Liquid Dosage


As a result of growing competition and more stringent regulatory requirements for end-user safety, improving the convenience and ease of administration of parenteral therapeutics is becoming a common strategy for biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Manufacturers wishing to gain market share and provide high quality products for healthcare professionals and cancer patients alike are increasingly investing in the development and delivery of liquid dosage forms, freeze-dried products and injectables.

Pharmaceutical Development

GEA is known all over the world for its individual and tailor-made process plant for the manufacture of free-flowing pharmaceutical and biotechnology products. Complete plant, modular equipment, process units and skids can be assembled, tested and qualified in our own production facilities. We perform tests and trial runs with appropriate media to demonstrate the functionality of all components and equipment before the plant is delivered.

In collaboration and partnership with our customers, we aim to develop and deliver high-performance plant and economic process systems that comply with the highest operational safety and environmental standards; we want our customers to use our groundbreaking solutions to manufacture even better products in the future.

GEA can supply a specialized, contained and fully integrated system when no standard off-the-shelf one exists, particularly for toxic or highly potent drugs such as cytostatics or echo contrast media. With our innovative ideas and fresh approaches, together with your project team, we will find a solution that’s tailored to your needs — from basic engineering to fabrication and qualification.  

Approfondimenti GEA

GEA OptiPartner gives operators a comprehensive overview of spray dryer function

OptiPartner migliora le prestazioni degli spray dryer della MMPA

L'ottimizzazione digitale di GEA assicura un significativo miglioramento delle prestazioni nell'impianto di spray drying della Michigan Milk Producers Association

Scrambled egg made with egg altnerative

Uova più sostenibili sulle nostre tavole

GEA aiuta i clienti a testare e sviluppare prodotti e ingredienti alternativi alle uova realizzati con la fermentazione di precisione.

Decarbonizzare i processi con le pompe di calore industriali

GEA ha un ruolo di primo piano nel migliorare la salute del pianeta. Tra i nostri obiettivi strategici incentrati sulla sostenibilità, stiamo creando un percorso per aiutare i nostri clienti in svariati settori a ridurre l'uso...

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