Industria farmaceutica

Shaping the Future of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing with Smart Solutions.

Female lab operator looking through microscope

Esplora i nostri prodotti

Unlock the future of pharmaceutical manufacturing with GEA Pharma & Healthcare, where innovation meets sustainability, operational excellence and security of supply. In a dynamic market, GEA is your strategic partner, offering cutting-edge solutions that redefine the balance between performance and environmental responsibility.

Successfully bringing a pharmaceutical product to market can be a challenging journey. As innovators and operators, we understand the importance of mapping out and optimizing your projects with precision.

At the heart of our commitment is the fusion of compliance, cost-efficiency and quality. GEA technology is reliable, flexible and economical. What’s more, we go beyond equipment by offering comprehensive training programs that empower your staff.

Sustainability by Design

In the ever-evolving landscape of pharmaceuticals, GEA understands the importance of sustainability, return on investment and optimal resource utilization. With facilities worldwide adhering to precise standards, we offer a vast variety of process

Test before you invest.

Committed to advancing our customers’ research and development activities, GEA’s pharmaceutical technology test centers provide global technical support and know-how to the pharmaceutical industry.
These centers of excellence give you access to a full range of test facilities and teams of experts, all of whom work closely with our customers to optimize processes and evaluate their products, enabling them to achieve their process and production goals in a cost-effective way.

Prodotti e tecnologie

Visualizzazione di 4 su 75

Workers working at Hovione

Advancing continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing

GEA and partners innovate flexible continuous processing technologies, transforming pharmaceutical development and manufacturing for a modernized future.

biopharma industry

I separatori a perfusione accelerano i processi biofarmaceutici

Le piccole aziende di produzione biofarmaceutica sono spesso la forza trainante a cui si deve la proliferazione di trattamenti medici innovativi. GEA sta rivoluzionando le capacità di raccolta delle cellule per questi produttori...

Video correlati

Recovery and upscaling of cellular enzyme processes at BIOVIAN

ConsiGma Coater - real-time video of coating cycle

Cell harvesting with the GEA pathfinder centrifuge at CMO Biovian

Approfondimenti GEA

GEA OptiPartner gives operators a comprehensive overview of spray dryer function

OptiPartner migliora le prestazioni degli spray dryer della MMPA

L'ottimizzazione digitale di GEA assicura un significativo miglioramento delle prestazioni nell'impianto di spray drying della Michigan Milk Producers Association

Scrambled egg made with egg altnerative

Uova più sostenibili sulle nostre tavole

GEA aiuta i clienti a testare e sviluppare prodotti e ingredienti alternativi alle uova realizzati con la fermentazione di precisione.

Decarbonizzare i processi con le pompe di calore industriali

GEA ha un ruolo di primo piano nel migliorare la salute del pianeta. Tra i nostri obiettivi strategici incentrati sulla sostenibilità, stiamo creando un percorso per aiutare i nostri clienti in svariati settori a ridurre l'uso...

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