Carbon Capture Solutions

GEA NAVO CO2 Utilization & Sequestration

Captured CO2 must not re-enter the atmosphere or must at least replace fossil CO2 to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. This can be achieved by using CO2 to produce CO2-based value-added products or by transporting and sequestering CO2 in long-term storages.

This image shows a 3D-Rendering of Sodium Bicarbonate Production

GEA can contribute to the different vectors of utilization and sequestration with technology from the comprehensive portfolio of chemical process plants:

  • Liquefaction of CO2
    Gaseous CO2 is conditioned to the desired specification in the liquefaction plant. In this way, CO2 can be processed through purification, compression and cooling to such an extent that it is available as a liquid food grade product (following e.g. EIGA standard) that can be used or sold directly. Depending on the customer’s requirements, a connection can be provided for collection by rail/truck or pipeline delivery. To increase flexibility in delivery as well as for partial loads, the processing plant can be expanded to include an intermediate storage facility. If desired, the thermal energy from the CO2 compression process can be reintegrated into a heat transfer system to enable the most economical and sustainable operation possible.

  • Production and Purification of Methanol
    Methanol is an extremely flexible chemical that can be used either as a direct fuel, as a precursor for advanced fuels/additives, or as a chemical building block to produce valuable intermediates such as ethers, esters, etc. The production of methanol from hydrogen and CO2 requires both synthesis and subsequent upgrading steps. GEA can cover the value chain from H2 and CO2 to ready-to-use, highly concentrated methanol through industrial partnerships.

  • Production of Carbonates
    Compared to other ways of using CO2, the production of carbonates has the advantage that no activation of the CO2 with hydrogen is required. Carbonates are widely used in various industries, such as glass, chemicals, pulp&paper, iron&steel, and are used for a variety of purposes. The extensive experience of GEA in crystallization technologies enables us to act as a technology supplier for carbonate/bicarbonate projects with a production capacity of several 100 tons per day.

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