Spray drying


Spray drying is an energy-intensive process, so here at GEA we work hard to develop technologies that can help to improve sustainability by reducing overall energy use, recycling waste heat and cutting carbon footprint.

Innovation for more sustainable spray drying

GEA spray dryers are constructed with heat recovery systems as standard, but we can also configure your new - and often existing – spray drying plant with optional GEA innovations to help cut process-related environmental footprint. GEA OptiPartner digital process control automation platform monitors in real time and - if required - adjusts the spray dryer operating parameters to improve process stability and efficiency. Our energy-saving AddCool® heat pump technology captures, upgrades and reuses waste heat to preheat your dryer air, so you could dramatically cut the overall energy draw for your plant, and even in some cases remove the need for fossil fuel-driven boilers. Talk to us at GEA to find out how our technologies could make your new and existing spray dryers more planet friendly. 

Energy audits for spray drying plants

GEA always aims to work in partnership with customers, so we don’t just supply equipment, we ‘ll take the time to listen to your challenges and expectations. Then, together we can select the best solutions. When it comes to look at heat recovery technology, we’ll sit with you to define your process and carry out an energy audit of your spray drying plant. With that understanding we can then suggest which GEA solutions could best help you to achieve your desired savings in energy or resource use, to reduce environmental footprint.


Webinar on-demand: Time is up for fossil fuels in spray drying

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