Окружающая среда

Protecting the planet

Industries around the world are feeling the pressure of having to meet both increasing demands for their products, and ever-stricter environmental regulations. GEA is committed to providing long-term, cost-effective and ecologically viable solutions that will help our customers both comply with regulations and increase their output.

GEA environmental Decanter lines – safeguarding our resources

The thirst for water is growing – in communities, industry and agriculture. Megatrends such as the ever increasing global population and urbanisation are making sure of this. But fresh water is a rare commodity on our planet: only around 1% is directly available.

In order to meet this demand in a sustainable way, more efficient water management is required. This applies to waste water treatment and sludge treatment in municipal and industrial waste water treatment plants, as it does in agriculture.


Demand for water

Environmental technology leaders

GEA is a main supplier of complete process lines and equipment for treating waste water, fluids and other industrial by-products. We also excel at engineering tailor-made solutions for recovering chemicals, recycling heat and conserving resources.

We have always married our engineering excellence with the drive to save resources and energy, reduce and recycle waste, and cut emissions. This focus on environmental protection has led to GEA’s status as a world leader in developing, designing and installing emission reduction systems and technologies for the process industries. From flue gas cleaning technologies and the use of natural refrigerants in industrial refrigeration and air cooling, to the world’s first mobile chlorine emergency unit, GEA is a global expert on clean air.


GEA environmental Decanter lines

Safeguarding our resources to protect, feed and power the world.

Discover our innovative solutions for sustainable sludge management, converting biosolids, industrial sludge, and manure into valuable resources using decanter technology.
Better wolrd, better products

Узнайте подробнее о целях устойчивого развития

Лучший мир. Лучшие продукты.

Убедитесь, что наша приверженность принципу Engineering for a better world реализуется каждый день. Благодаря нашим инновационным продуктам устойчивость развития в условиях рационального природопользования становится реальностью, легко интегрируясь в повседневную деятельность. От энергоэффективных решений до водосберегающих технологий — наша продукция обеспечивает немедленную выгоду, способствуя перспективному развитию бизнеса в различных отраслях.

Продукты и технологии

Отображение 4 из 37

Связанные видеоролики

GEA Carbon Capture Solutions - Decarbonizing Key Industries

GEA environmental Decanter lines

GEA environmental Decanter lines - safeguarding our resources

Аналитика GEA

Lemgo plant building

Прошлое и будущее слились воедино в новаторском проекте централизованного теплоснабжения...

Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.

Автоматизация приносит пользу коровам, людям и планете

CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

Решение GEA для размораживания пользуется успехом на предприятии CIAL в Чили

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