
ConsiGma® Conductor 4.0

An indispensable part of the ConsiGma 4.0 portfolio, the Conductor 4.0 control system architecture ensures smooth operation and communication between the different elements of a pharmaceutical continuous manufacturing line.

Conductor control software

GEA’s CONDUCTOR 4.0 is the highly advanced, SCADA-based heart of the control system architecture that brings all the smart and robust ConsiGma®processes and technological solutions together in one easily controlled environment.

It interfaces with the automation layers of the individual ConsiGma®4.0 modules, which are part of the lines, PAT instruments (if present) and PAT management systems, Advanced Process Control systems such as PharmaMV® (Perceptive Engineering), Data historian and MES solutions, all depending on the customer IT landscape.

Standard Functionality

  • One unified user interface for all modules part of the line
  • User authorization
  • Trending for all process data
  • Export of process data to CSV files
  • Unified recipe system
  • Batch wizard
  • Historical data storage on SQL server
  • Reporting

Available Options

  • Integration of third-party HMIs (possible limited functionality)
  • Communication with Data historian
  • Communication with MES systems
  • Communication with PAT managements system
  • Integration with APC systems

Read more about how GEA and its partners are implementing this technology to lead the way toward smaller, more flexible, continuous processing technologies that are transforming the future of pharmaceutical development and manufacturing.


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