Spiral Freezers


Designed for the most stringent hygiene requirements

Spiral freezer
Capable of handling capacities from 0.2 to 7 tons per hour, the GEA A-Tec spiral freezers are designed by expert engineers to exact specifications based on your product characteristics, capacities, facility space and line layout.

Proudly setting the standard in freezing solutions since 1999

GEA A-Tec spiral freezers will:

  • Satisfy the food industry’s most stringent hygiene constraints with a fully welded floor and enclosure, drive motors located outside the enclosure, and a recirculating cleaning system.
  • Handle 1 shift – 14 days of operation non-stop, based on the evaporator configuration we select for you needs – either Sequential Defrost (SD) or Snow Removal System (SRS)

Our spiral freezers profitably:

  • Minimize yield loss with high efficient horizontal airflow
  • Reduce cleaning cycles with a CIP (Clean-In-Place) system

Our spiral freezers add further value through:

  • Fully welded stainless steel
  • Worldwide sales support and customer service

Discover our latest innovations with the A-Tec spiral freezer:

  • Continuously monitor and control product frozenness with Callifreeze®
  • Optimize and control your freezer air temperature with our dynamic IVS (Intelligent Valve System)
  • Maximize production uptime with our new belt steam defrost system

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GEA A-Tec Spiral Freezer

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