Next generation scrubber for non-ferrous metallurgy. Compact, efficient and cost saving.
Linear Flow Scrubbers are adjustable and high-efficiency scrubbers that represent a substantial advancement on the already mature technology of the Radial Flow Scrubbers.
Used for dust and particulate removal in saturated waste gases, Linear Flow Scrubbers offer increased energy savings and efficiency thanks to their high adaptability, adjustability capacity to steadily scrub at fluctuating gas flow rates.
Best applied in copper smelting furnaces or converters, zinc smelters and roasters, lead smelters, molybdenum roasters, nickel-copper / platinum smelters and other pyrometallurgical processes.
However, Linear Flow Scrubbers are not to be exclusively used for the non-ferrous metallurgical industry.
The raw gas enters from the top. The scrubbing liquid is injected though peripherally arranged nozzles upstream the scrubbing zone. The gas and the scrubbing liquid enter from above and pass through the scrubbing zone. The scrubbing zone is characterized by an extended reaction line or gap that is formed by a movable displacer, with tapers towards the top, and a diffuser attached to the casing.
The relative velocity between the gas and the scrubbing liquid, which is decisive for scrubbing efficiency, occurs along the reaction line. By lifting or lowering the displacer the cross-section of the scrubbing zone can be varied, which allows, even with changing gas volumes, to maintain the gas velocity constant in the reaction line and to keep a constant pressure drop across the scrubbing zone. In this way, defined collecting efficiency can be ensured. The differential pressure is the control parameter.
In cases where gases are hot and not saturated, linear flow scrubbers can be combined with an upstream quench stage for raw gas saturation and pre-dedusting.
Der Wunsch, eine flexible Anlage zu liefern, mit der die zahlreichen industriellen Abgasprobleme gelöst werden könnten, führte 1950 zur Entwicklung eines verstellbaren Ringspaltwäschers, der noch heute zu den effizientesten Wäschern gehört. Was die Korngröße fester und flüssiger Partikel und die Konzentration gasförmiger Komponenten in Gasgemisch...
Senkrecht stehendes Rohr mit Venturi-Kehle und Verdränger (Venturi-Konus) und konzentrisch im Rohr angeordneten Sprühdüsen oberhalb der Venturi-Kehle.
Senkrecht oder schräg stehendes Rohr mit seitlichem Gaseintritt und konzentrisch im Rohr angeordneten Treibdüsen oberhalb des seitlichen Gaseintritts.
Adjustable flow scrubbers with high collecting efficiencies achievement even when working with critical substances. Mainly used for either gas cooling (to reduce the temperature by water evaporation) or gas cleaning (to condense aerosols and remove solid impurities).
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