无论是生产乳清粉还是浓缩奶粉,COMPACT DRYER 都是最佳选择。


Recognized around the world as a robust, reliable system for spray drying dense agglomerated and non-agglomerated whey and milk powders.

Spray Dryer COMPACT DRYER 1200x675 web
根据设计,COMPACT DRYER 适用于乳清和其他微粘产品,也适用于细粉或致密复聚的生产。根据具体要求,干燥器可配置旋转式喷雾器或喷嘴雾化系统。无论哪种配置,该解决方案都将满足效率和卫生设计的要求;此外,由于其紧凑设计,紧凑型干燥器比其他相同产量的喷雾干燥器需要更少的空间。



COMPACT DRYER 是一种喷雾干燥器,配有集成式流化床,在干燥室底部的出气口周围形成环形。

浓缩物被雾化并通过一组喷嘴或旋转式喷雾器送入干燥室顶部。干燥气体从垂直方向高速进入空气扩散器,以确保雾化浓缩物能实现优化混合。当液滴通过干燥室到达底部的集成式流化床进行进一步干燥时,蒸发瞬间发生。在这里,粉末被排放到 VIBRO-FLUIDIZER 流化床中,进行最后的干燥和冷却。

由于出气口在 COMPACT DRYER 的底部,复聚仅发生在流化床中,这会产生致密复聚。

Upgrades to maintain tiptop performance

We expect all of our components and equipment to give you top performance for the lifespan of your plant, so we can tell you when upgrades are available that could improve the efficiency or productivity of your existing COMPACT DRYER. Ask about other options that might reduce manual tasks and equipment downtime, and help to recycle heat and water.

Safe and hygienic by design

The GEA COMPACT DRYER is hygienic by design to satisfy the most stringent regulatory requirements for safe, sanitary dairy processing. Engineered for easy equipment inspection and maintenance we’ve also put equipment safety and operational health and safety at the top of our design imperatives. Find out how our GEA DRIVENT®, COTECTOR® and fire safety systems can reduce the risk of fire and explosions, giving you even greater confidence in the safety of your COMPACT DRYER plant, and your personnel.

All of our COMPACT DRYER plants are supplied with automated clean-in-place (CIP) as standard, taking the load off your operators so they can focus on other key tasks in the plant. Thorough, efficient CIP may also help to save water and so cut your wastewater load, while fewer manual tasks reduce the likelihood of human error and associated delays.

GEA COMPACT DRYER efficiency and process quality are further enhanced thanks to our Clean Purge and optional CEE cyclone technologies. GEA SANICIP® bag filter and No Intervention Fines Return System (NIFRS) technologies further help to reduce product loss, and so help to improve your yield.

Stability and sustainability

The COMPACT DRYER can be combined with additional GEA innovations that could significantly improve your process sustainability. At our centre of excellence in Soeborg, Denmark, you also can find out more about our digital GEA OptiPartner process control automation platform, heat recovery systems and energy-saving AddCool® heat pump technology, which in combination can dramatically improve process stability and energy efficiency. Talk to our specialists about which technologies might be combined with the COMPACT DRYER to help you get the best results from your plant while reducing carbon footprint, and supporting your future growth and expansion.

GEA 洞察

Josep Masramón and his daughter stand in front of their GEA batch milking installation.


自动挤奶的最新发展引入了批量挤奶 – 一种在固定挤奶时间将奶牛分组挤奶的奶牛养殖实践,通常每天两次到三次。自动化技术正在帮助奶农克服近期的挑战,平衡奶牛场的奶牛福利、灵活性和可持续性,同时不断优化其成本结构并实现越来越高效的优势。


在许多国家/地区,获得安全用水和卫生设施体系仍然是一个挑战。由于饮用水不干净以及每天长途跋涉取水而生病,意味着许多儿童无法上学。GEA 通过与汉堡非营利组织 Viva con Agua 合作,使用一些非常神奇的技术帮助为坦桑尼亚的几所学校提供干净的水。

GEA 员工都是有目标的人

为了实现其核心使命 - Engineering for a better world - GEA 正在打造一种最佳雇主文化,为员工提供重新构想解决方案、跨专业协作,以及为全球各行业的转型时刻做出贡献的机会。

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