GEA Service Kits

GEA Service Kits for reciprocating compressors

Welcome to the world of simplicity with GEA Service Kits for reciprocating compressors. Our mission is clear - to make your experience with GEA original spare parts seamless and your operations smoother than ever. "Take it easy, use a kit" is not just a tagline – it is a promise we deliver on.

GEA Service Kits for reciprocating compressors

Why choose GEA Service Kits?

Turning routine maintenance into simplicity: GEA Service Kits are created for routine maintenance, encompassing all the necessary GEA original spare parts required for specific activities. Just provide us with your machine details, and we supply you with the kit.

Global accessibility: GEA Service Kits are available worldwide through our local organizations in different regions and countries. Wherever you are, we are here to support your needs.

Cost-saving advantage: forget about the inconvenience of individual priced components. Our kits offer a more cost-effective solution compared to purchasing parts separately, providing you with significant savings.

Expert documentation: the true differentiator of GEA Service Kits lies in our comprehensive documentation. Each kit includes a Spare Parts Catalogue, Maintenance Instructions, exploded drawings, and more. Our commitment to clarity ensures that your specialists can effortlessly understand and execute maintenance tasks.

How to get started:

  1. Contact your local GEA representative. 
  2. Submit your compressor details. 
  3. Get delivery and experience the ease and efficiency of GEA Service Kits in action.

Choose GEA Service Kits for your routine maintenance experience that is as easy as it is effective.

GEA Service - For your continued success

Our service approach


Decarbonization - the key driver behind the rise of heat pumps


从节约成本到减少排放,GEA 引领创新的热泵技术项目。探索传统和区域供热计划。



机器制造商能否模仿大自然的零废物生产和消费循环模式?GEA 正通过投资新的商业模式、开发数字解决方案并确保整个价值链中的资源效率更高,按部就班朝着这一雄心勃勃的目标迈进。

GEA 洞察


优质冷链管理的重要性不可低估。确保易腐食品在食用时安全且高质量是冷链设施运营商的巨大责任。GEA 处于为冷库和配送中心提供安全、可持续制冷技术的前沿,帮助客户减少其设施的能源消耗和碳排放。

Josep Masramón and his daughter stand in front of their GEA batch milking installation.


自动挤奶的最新发展引入了批量挤奶 – 一种在固定挤奶时间将奶牛分组挤奶的奶牛养殖实践,通常每天两次到三次。自动化技术正在帮助奶农克服近期的挑战,平衡奶牛场的奶牛福利、灵活性和可持续性,同时不断优化其成本结构并实现越来越高效的优势。


在许多国家/地区,获得安全用水和卫生设施体系仍然是一个挑战。由于饮用水不干净以及每天长途跋涉取水而生病,意味着许多儿童无法上学。GEA 通过与汉堡非营利组织 Viva con Agua 合作,使用一些非常神奇的技术帮助为坦桑尼亚的几所学校提供干净的水。

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