Update your existing screw compressor packages

GEA Compressor Conversion Kit

Update your existing screw compressor packages

GEA provides compressor conversion kits for any screw compressor package. Each GEA Compressor Conversion Kit (GCCK) is supplied complete with a new GEA screw compressor and other standard components. Each conversion kit is designed specifically to suit the existing package unit to minimize any on-site modifications.

This enables fixed prices to be offered with short down times and a compressor manufacturer’s warranty is included. The existing drive motor, oil separator and oil cooling system are reused. The existing control system may also be reused or the GEA Omni control panel can be supplied.

Benefits of a GCCK


  • Future proof upgrade at a fixed price. Budget without surprises.
  • Reduced operating cost. Optimized system capacity and energy efficiency.
  • Reduced downtime and maintenance cost. Up to 66% longer interval between major overhauls.
  • New, high quality, state of the art GEA screw compressor. Low noise and vibration level.
  • Reuse main components, quicker and less expensive than replacing the complete compressor package.
  • No need for machine room alterations.  Fully supported by GEA with standard warranty for new GEA components.
  • Possible to reuse existing control system or upgrade to the GEA Omni control panel.
  • Less engineering time for you. Fully engineered GEA solution.

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卵磷脂在 GEA 产品销售经理 Patrick Schürmann 的心里占据着特殊的位置。这种用途广泛的物质已经从食用油精炼领域中的配角变成了竞争激烈、利润微薄的食用油精炼市场的明星。这在很大程度上归功于 Schürmann 和他的同事开发的全新且创新和节能的工艺。

为 STEM 职业铺平道路

随着孩子们今年秋天返校,GEA 也将回归校园,与各个年龄段的学生互动,促进科学、技术、工程和数学 (STEM) 领域的职业发展。对于 GEA 来说,打造一支更强大的 STEM 员工队伍是推动创新和应对当今复杂的全球挑战的关键之一。

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