Vacuum Technology

GEA BatchStar® for production optimization through vacuum system upgrading.

Smart & Efficient. Identify bottlenecks & put the vacuum system in the spotlight, bringing productivity increase to success.

The GEA BatchStar® consists of a customized, multi-stage steam jet vacuum system based on a consultative and pre-tested vacuum system arrangement.
This method of holistic process view consulting, redefining of economically optimal point of operation, on-site support for process data collection and in case of existing system modification, we provide plant inspection.

In “Batch Processes” the optimized vacuum system can reduce the total batch time by taken the relevant process steps into the overall design. This method of holistic process view consulting, redefining of economically optimal point of operation, on-site inspection if necessary and final validation by test bench results is called the BatchStar®

The GEA BatchStar® is designed for our customers’ needs in perspective of the required process conditions.

Particular features:

  • Holistic process view consulting
  • Redefining of economically optimal point of operation for the vacuum system
  • On-site inspection, if necessary
  • Final validation by test bench



The GEA BatchStar® systems are used to produce vacuum in Food, Pharma and Chemical processes in particular for:

  • Driers
  • Distillation plants
  • Rectifying
  • Freeze drying
  • Poly-condensation
  • Degassing
  • Deodorizing plants
  • Evaporators
  • And more
Webinar GEA BatchStar®

Join the webinar GEA BatchStar®

The GEA BatchStar® is a holistic upgrade solution that optimizes your vacuum system in a smart and efficient way. Say goodbye to bottlenecks and hello to increased productivity.

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