
Boulettes de viande, anneaux, brochettes... avec l'équipement de formage de GEA, vous n'avez pratiquement plus de limite au niveau des formes et des quantités à produire.

GEA MultiFormer is forming a vegan product

Forming the GEA way

Formed food products, such as burgers and nuggets have become a meal component of the modern diet. They are convenient, fun, appetizing and every parent knows they can rely on them to put a smile on their children’s face. Now, as tastes change, formed products include meat replacement products, vegetarian options and trendy whole muscle products.
Plate Formed Products formed with GEA MultiFormer plate forming machine

Behind the fun and convenience is a highly competitive industry in which variety, capacity, yield, versatility, hygiene, sustainability and, above all, product quality are the key drivers.  

Being in the forming business for over half a century, GEA takes a lead in this demanding market with forming equipment to meet every customer’s needs. Nowadays offering both plate formers and drum formers. 

The versatile GEA FreshFormer, for example, is an easy-to-use plate former for forming small batches of fresh meat and vegetables especially when users are producing a wide range of products and so need a fast product changeover. 

For higher production levels we have the GEA MultiFormer that can form virtually any product into any shape including irregular and novelty shapes, even those with a 3D appearance. 

Then comes the GEA MaxiFormer, the world’s leading high-capacity drum former for high-speed production of long-run products with excellent shape retention and weight accuracy. 

Add to this the passionate GEA people and their unrevealed application know-how and you have the ultimate winning formula. That’s forming the GEA way.

Solutions du GEA Food Solution Technology Center de Bakel

Centre technologique de Bakel

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Vous voulez apprendre, expérimenter et innover, sans risque de perturber votre production quotidienne ? Notre Food Solutions Technology Center de Bakel, aux Pays-Bas, est l'endroit où aller. Ses portes sont toujours ouvertes, même à distance !
Le GEA MultiFormer forme un produit végan

Le formage façon GEA

Résoudre le puzzle du formage de produits de qualité avec GEA

Créer des produits parfaitement formés peut ressembler à un véritable puzzle : chaque pièce doit être parfaitement alignée et mise à sa place pour compléter le tableau.
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