Separator performance above IMO standard

GEA bilge Separator

GEA bilge Separator with integrated direct drive is designed for purifying oily water on board marine vessels and producing minimum residual oil contents. GEA bilge Separator guarantees residual oil content of less than 15 ppm and for more demanding requirements even less than 5 ppm.

Pushing the limits with the GEA bilge Separator

Incorporating an integrated direct drive, the GEA bilge Separator is a revolutionary solution that offers more performance per square meter of footprint, an extremely simple service concept and smart connectivity. 

GEA bilge Separator is designed for purifying oily water and producing residual oil contents of 15 ppm in all performance classes. Without an additional adsorption filter, without chemicals. This is achieved by means of modifications in the product feed of the bowl and the disk stack, resulting in a gentle product feed and a higher clarifying area.

Key benefits

  • Highly efficient integrated direct drive
  • Compact design with small footprint
  • Less energy consumption
  • Easy exchangeable drive system
  • Residual oil content downstream of separator <15 ppm
  • Residual oil content downstream of separator <5 ppm by adding adsorption filter
  • Constant monitoring of the overboard valve (similar to GEA SafetyMaster)
  • Optional in combination with SafetyMaster: system-integrated or “stand-alone”
  • MTP ready

5 ppm with filter

In order to be in a position to meet potentially tighter requirements, many shipping companies are already demanding a guarantee of less than 5 ppm residual oil content in the processed bilgewater. GEA is also able to meet these requirements by adding an adsorption filter.

Customized configurations for all bilge water processing systems

GEA bilge Separators feature a modular design. The main components: Feed pump, automatic filter, preheater, the self-discharging separator, oil monitor and the control panel are installed on two modules (feed pump / preheater unit, separator unit). These modules are assembled to form a complete unit and can also be supplied as individual modules upon request. This means that the system can be customized to meet the local circumstances in an optimum manner even in restricted spaces. An adaptive speed regulating facility of the feed pump adapts the system to the considerably fluctuating feed conditions of the product.

25 years of GEA centrifugal bilge water treatment

Exactly a quarter of a century ago, in 1996, a real breakthrough was made in centrifugal bilgewater treatment. 

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GEA SafetyMaster – the gain in terms of safety

In addition to the high safety standard of GEA bilge Separators, GEA has developed the SafetyMaster. It prevents the unintentional overboard pumping of bilgewater containing excessive levels of oil by means of permanently monitoring the complete separating process including the overboard valve. An integrated data recorder saves all bilgewater processing information from the previous eighteen months. All components of the SafetyMaster system are mounted in a lockable cabinet which is protected against manipulation and installed on the separator unit.

Repousser les limites

25 years of GEA centrifugal bilge water treatment

Une technologie de séparateur novatrice qui offre de vrais avantages.
Pushing the limits

The GEA marine Separator

Pushing the limits

Innovative separator technology with real benefits.

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