Filling Lines - Filling Modules

Consumers' increased attention to health and sustainability has led to the development of more and more premium products for people to discover and enjoy. Such products require high levels of hygiene and safety during filling and gentle handling to avoid unnecessary stress on the beverages, especially those containing cereals or fruit pieces.

Filling modules
GEA filling modules are designed to fill sensitive beverages such as juices, teas, isotonic and still drinks, milk and liquid dairy products, plant-based beverages and dairy alternatives in PET and HDPE bottles. The GEA filling modules for sensitive beverages are designed to easily integrate the GEA sterilizing systems for plastic preforms, bottles and caps and are enclosed in the same controlled environment (sterile for aseptic applications and ultra-clean for ESL applications) to avoid any potential recontamination issues and maintain product and container sterility.

GEA also offers filling systems for non-alcoholic beverages, still and sparkling wine, and spirits in glass bottles, as well as a fast changeover, multi-purpose filling solution specifically designed for beer applications - including alcohol-free beer, a growing segment as it appeals to a wider audience but has the same taste quality and aroma - in PET, glass bottles, and cans.

GEA filling technologies aim to combine the best performance in terms of filling speed, accuracy and flexibility with the need for cost reduction and safe, easy-to-use technology.

GEA Insights

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La optimización digital de GEA asegura una mejora significativa del rendimiento en la planta de secado por atomización de la Asociación de Productores de Leche de Michigan

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En el menú: huevos más sostenibles

GEA ayuda a sus clientes a probar y escalar ovoproductos e ingredientes alternativos elaborados con fermentación de precisión.

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Cuando se trata de mejorar la salud del planeta, GEA asume un rol de liderazgo. Como uno de nuestros objetivos estratégicos centrados en la sostenibilidad, estamos forjando un camino para ayudar a nuestros clientes de una miríada...

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