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Performance, cost savings, safe processes

The downstream oil and gas industry faces new challenges to cope with deteriorating operating margins. Refineries have to increasingly process changing crude oils and “opportunity” crude oils. This requires not only the deployment of new technologies, but also the management of problems related to the aging infrastructure.

Whether there are plans to put new refineries into operation, modernize or upgrade an existing site or whether revamps are planned: GEA’s high-performance decanter centrifuges and disk-stack centrifuges were specially designed to meet the requirements and circumstances in various process setups in refineries. They handle continuous liquid-liquid-solids separation in a wide range of applications and capacities.

Crude oil treatment

Sistemas de tratamiento del crudo GEA – Deshidratación y desalinización con centrífugas

Los sistemas de tratamiento del crudo GEA son líneas de proceso centrífugas modulares para la deshidratación y desalinización eficientes del crudo en diversas configuraciones de proceso.

GEA Insights

Lemgo plant building

Pasado y futuro se unen en el proyecto pionero de calefacción central de Lemgo

Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.

La automatización marca la diferencia para las vacas, los humanos y el planeta

CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

La solución de descongelación de GEA triunfa en Chile con CIAL

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