DED - Direct Discharge Descender

The direct discharger is a monolithic spiral with a continuous section made entirely of stainless steel.

It conveys the product directly to the packing plant or other plant, without damaging it. The angle of the spiral allows the product to descend at a constant speed, ensuring it does not drop off to the bottom of the silo. There are no joints in the slide that could damage the product.

Key Features

• Stainless-steel descender
• Continuous-section monolithic spiral
• Seamless welds
• Spiral welds
• Spiral diameter sized according to capacity
• Spiral support arms with anticlogging sections
• Polycarbonate cover protects the entire length of the descender and helps contain the product
• Product hopper at the end
• Rotating product outlet
• A gate valve can be installed at the bottom (optional)

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