

Forming the GEA way

Formed food products, such as burgers and nuggets have become a meal component of the modern diet. They are convenient, fun, appetizing and every parent knows they can rely on them to put a smile on their children’s face. Now, as tastes change, formed products include meat replacement products, vegetarian options and trendy whole muscle products.
Plate Formed Products formed with GEA MultiFormer plate forming machine

Behind the fun and convenience is a highly competitive industry in which variety, capacity, yield, versatility, hygiene, sustainability and, above all, product quality are the key drivers.  

Being in the forming business for over half a century, GEA takes a lead in this demanding market with forming equipment to meet every customer’s needs. Nowadays offering both plate formers and drum formers. 

The versatile GEA FreshFormer, for example, is an easy-to-use plate former for forming small batches of fresh meat and vegetables especially when users are producing a wide range of products and so need a fast product changeover. 

For higher production levels we have the GEA MultiFormer that can form virtually any product into any shape including irregular and novelty shapes, even those with a 3D appearance. 

Then comes the GEA MaxiFormer, the world’s leading high-capacity drum former for high-speed production of long-run products with excellent shape retention and weight accuracy. 

Add to this the passionate GEA people and their unrevealed application know-how and you have the ultimate winning formula. That’s forming the GEA way.

GEA 技术中心 Bakel 团队食品解决方案



想要验证、试验和创新,又没有打扰您的日常生产的风险?我们位于荷兰巴克尔的食品解决方案技术中心就是您不容错过的目的地。 更重要的是 - 我们的大门始终敞开,即使是远程!
GEA MultiFormer 正在制作一种纯素食产品

GEA 的成型方式

与 GEA 共同完成优质成型产品的拼图

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GEA 洞察


优质冷链管理的重要性不可低估。确保易腐食品在食用时安全且高质量是冷链设施运营商的巨大责任。GEA 处于为冷库和配送中心提供安全、可持续制冷技术的前沿,帮助客户减少其设施的能源消耗和碳排放。

Josep Masramón and his daughter stand in front of their GEA batch milking installation.


自动挤奶的最新发展引入了批量挤奶 – 一种在固定挤奶时间将奶牛分组挤奶的奶牛养殖实践,通常每天两次到三次。自动化技术正在帮助奶农克服近期的挑战,平衡奶牛场的奶牛福利、灵活性和可持续性,同时不断优化其成本结构并实现越来越高效的优势。


在许多国家/地区,获得安全用水和卫生设施体系仍然是一个挑战。由于饮用水不干净以及每天长途跋涉取水而生病,意味着许多儿童无法上学。GEA 通过与汉堡非营利组织 Viva con Agua 合作,使用一些非常神奇的技术帮助为坦桑尼亚的几所学校提供干净的水。

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