Separators for Oil Recovery

Polishing separators from GEA ensure the required premium quality of olive, palm, avocado and many other recovered vegetable oils by removing all residues while handling the product with extreme care

Once again, GEA equipment is state of the art here. The self-cleaning models reduce downtime and maintenance costs to a minimum, while handling the oil with the utmost care. The GEA hydrostop system ensures optimum product yield. With this system, the partial discharges can be adjusted so precisely that the liquid is retained in the bowl when solids are ejected, thus avoiding product losses.

Features & Benefits

  • GEA hydrostop system for higher product yield
  • Self-cleaning bowl for fully automatic operation
  • Improved clutch design – for a longer wear lifespan
  • All components which come into contact with product are made of stainless steel
  • Flat-belt drive for low maintenance
  • Highest g-force for highest oil yields
  • Automated operation
  • Continuous processing mode
  • Simple maintenance
  • Low-noise design

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