CIP system for small to medium sized breweries

GEA CIP-STAR® Craft Station

CIP solutions that meet critical hygiene standards to ensure product safety at every point of the brewing process. The GEA CIP-STAR® Craft Station addresses the CIP requirements of all small to medium sized breweries.


Ensuring a consistently high product quality requires a dependable and efficient cleaning-in-place (CIP) process for machinery, tanks, and the pipe network. Tailored for small to medium-sized craft breweries and designed to complement brewhouses, the GEA CIP-STAR® Craft Station offers a pre-engineered solution to facilitate the distribution of CIP media across the entire brewery plant. With its modular design, the GEA CIP-STAR® Craft Station can be easily customized to meet specific cleaning requirements.

Key benefits of the GEA CIP-STAR® Craft Station
  • Pre-assembled process unit for easy transportation, installation and setup.
  • Skidded design and horizontal tanks for a compact footprint and low installation height.
  • Easy customization by combining the main process module with the required number of tank modules. The CIP Station can feed both brewhouse and cold block for more possible applications. 
  • Three (3) detergent dosing pumps for flexible use, e.g. caustics, acid and disinfectant.
  • Two (2) separated CIP feed lines for dedicated use with cold and hot cleaning media.
  • Heat exchanger integrated into the hot feed line, for batch or inline heating of caustics.
  • Manifold for multiple feed and return lines installed on skid.
Available configurations and tank sizes
  • Tank modules with 1, 2 or 3 CIP buffer tanks available.
  • Choice of CIP buffer tanks with 10 hl or 15 hl volume.
  • Insulated or non-insulated tanks, depending on application.
  • Choice of stand-alone control system or full integration into a GEA CODEX® system.
Technical data
  • Flowrate of CIP Feed, hot media = 18 cbm/h
  • Flowrate of CIP Feed, cold media = 13 cbm/h
  • Steam Connection at CIP Heater = 250 kg/h  
  • Connected Load, 3-phase power = 10 kW
  • Footprint of Process Module, approx. =  2,200 x 2,600 mm 
  • Footprint of per tank module, approx. = 2,000 x 2,000 mm

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