The solid-wall bowl has a cylindrical section for efficient clarification of the liquid and a conical section for drying the solids. Due to the centrifugal forces, the solids are flung onto the bowl wall and are transported by the scroll to the solids discharge. There are several possibilities to discharge the clarified and separated heavy and light liquid phases. Both phases can either be discharged freely by gravity or one liquid phase is discharged under pressure via centripetal pump while the other liquid phase flows off under gravity. The decanters are completely CIP-compatible.

The housing consists of a frame with supporting feet, protective plates and catchers for the discharged phases. The machines are driven by a frequency-controlled 3-phase AC motor via V-belts.There are different drive concepts available which permit automatic torque measurement and differential speed control. All product contacting parts are made of stainless steel. FDA approved materials are availablefor the seals.

Features & Benefits

  • summationdrive for always full torque, thus always full performance
  • Optimally set differential speed for always best separation results
  • Optimized power flow, no energy recirculation thus minimum transmission losses
  • External gears for reliable operation especially for hot applications
  • Oil lubrication of all bearings for exacting demands
  • High-quality wear protection
  • Use of high quality stainless steels

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