Partner for a secure industrial control system

GEA Codex® Asset Care

Safeguard your industrial control system (ICS) and generate security awareness with GEA Codex® Asset Care.

The convergence of information and operation technology (IT/OT) is creating a new world that is open to myriad opportunities and challenges. As production facilities become more interconnected, they also become more vulnerable to cyberattacks and other risks. In this increasingly digitalized environment, a brighter spotlight is now being shone on complex — and potentially susceptible — industrial control systems. 

Give your ICS the best protection

Keeping up with digital transformation and safeguarding your system infrastructure is important. GEA can support you with a solution that will show where your industrial control system needs protection and what action you should consider taking. It is framed in the international standard IEC-62443 on the security of Industrial Automation and Control Systems.  

Key benefits:

  • Get automation expertise with audits performed by GEA specialists who are familiar with your control system.
  • Improve the security and control of your assets, patches, risk analysis and data integrity.
  • Minimize cost-efficiency losses owing to unscheduled plant shutdowns.
  • Reduce investment costs and keep your ICS constantly updated.
  • Securely store and centralize all your asset information in a digital tool.

Maximize operational efficiency

This solution is a deep dive analysis consisting of five phases that are repeated annually to maintain the integrity of your ICS.

automation asset care operational efficiency

What GEA Codex® Asset Care offers

  • Full visibility of OT network levels based on Purdue’s models in a digital tool.
  • Revision of procedures related to the Industrial Control System (ICS).
  • Obsolescence status.
  • Automatic communication of vulnerabilities published by the vendors.
  • Analysis of possible OT asset threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerability based risk calculation.
  • Mitigation plans, countermeasures, roadmap, and costs to address identified risks.
  • Executive and technical reports of the digital service.
  • Security awareness for specific roles involved with the Industrial Control System; your people are the first point of defense.

Смежные продукты

Средства дистанционной поддержки с автоматизацией GEA Codex

Дистанционное обслуживание и техническая поддержка GEA Codex®

С помощью GEA Codex® Remote Support вы можете связаться с инженерами компании GEA по автоматизации с целью решения любых непредвиденных ситуаций, связанных с системой управления производственными процессами и оперативного возобновления производства.

GEA Codex® Academy

GEA Codex® Academy

GEA Codex® Academy is the knowledge-sharing platform for Codex, our scalable automation solution that’s based on the most frequently used systems in the industry (Siemens, Rockwell, AVEVA and Ignition).

GEA Codex®

GEA Codex®

GEA Codex® Process Control — это открытая структура, включающая в себя установленные стандарты для проектирования ЧМИ, включая систему сигнализации, распределенные инженерные и гибкие модули управления для лидирующих на рынке платформ, например, Siemens, Rockwell и Wonderware.

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GEA Codex® Service solutions

GEA Codex® Service solutions are designed to optimize your plant’s control system, including training, maintenance, support and security, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity while minimizing downtime and reducing costs.

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