Solid Dosage

Painkillers and fever relief

GEA offers a complete range of technologies for the high-volume production of solid OTC Painkillers, Analgesics and Fever Relief products

Manufacturing OTC Painkillers, Analgesics and Fever Relief

The fast and reliable release of active ingredients is becoming increasingly important, particularly for analgesic drugs. Customer expectations of over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers are “fast and effective” results for immediate relief. At the same time, these dosage forms need to be easy to take and relatively inexpensive.

Beyond rapid action, for example, the benefits of effervescent tablets include an opportunity for formulators to improve the taste of their oral dosage form, a less aggressive delivery method and the consumer appeal associated with taking a fizzy tablet. 

Plus, with various market players now developing combination (bilayer) drugs, the need for commercial-scale double-sided rotary tablet presses has never been greater. Designed for the reliable and cost-effective large-scale production of oral solid dosage forms, GEA’s portfolio includes models that combine the benefits of flexibility and robust performance for a wide range of formulations.

Experts in every aspect of high-volume batch processing, GEA offers a complete range of technologies for the production of solid dosage forms: from powder handling to granulating, drying, tablet compression and coating. And, from R&D through scale-up to commercial production, we can identify the most appropriate solution for your specific application and meet your technical requirements.

GEA’s entire range of process equipment is designed with system integration in mind. A modular approach allows customers to select standard process modules to suit their needs. Furthermore, our rotary tablet presses provide a number of options for the high-volume production of large tablets, including continuous manufacturing in low humidity environments.

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