Granulation lines for research and development, takes the process from dispensed raw materials to finished tablet. Our systems clearly demonstrates the flexibility that can be achieved throughout the process – including high shear granulation, pelletizing and blending, etc.
All technologies can be brought together in an integrated process system that mimics the hundreds of large-scale plants provided by GEA globally. It epitomizes the approach of ensuring customers receive the same technology from the laboratory through to production, using the same containment and process technologies to ensure seamless scale-up and the most flexible blend of process capabilities.
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Committed to providing flexible, modular equipment to support research and development in the pharmaceutical industry, the multipurpose AirConnect from GEA delivers a range of fluid bed processing solutions for small-scale applications.
The ConsiGma® CF20 test rig is a standalone module that allows you to characterize the feeding behavior of your products during the early stages of R&D.
An indispensable part of the ConsiGma 4.0 portfolio, the Conductor 4.0 control system architecture ensures smooth operation and communication between the different elements of a pharmaceutical continuous manufacturing line
Designed to achieve optimal blending results, the ConsiGma® DB modules facilitate the testing of dosing and blending operations and can be integrated with any continuous up- or downstream process.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.
Chaque boisson, chaque aliment sûr est une victoire contre les menaces microbiennes invisibles, une bataille gagnée grâce à un siècle de conception de procédés hygiéniques. Avec plus de 100 ans de savoir-faire en matière d’ingénierie et de conception hygiénique, GEA dicte la norme pour les équipements de process, afin de protéger les denrées alimentaires et de sauver des vies.
En ingénierie, l’innovation est souvent incrémentale, elle procède par petites avancées successives. Et, parfois, elle fait un bond en avant spectaculaire. Un exemple concret : la machine à laver. Deux nouvelles solutions logicielles de GEA, lancées en septembre 2022, rompent avec les conventions et apportent des gains d’efficacité considérables pour le procédé gourmand en ressources qu’est la filtration membranaire.