Sistemas de Control y Realimentación
LEFF® significa baja oscilación de emisiones La función LEFF® está integrada en el circuito de control T.VIS® A-15 y es fácil de activar. El movimiento intermitente del disco de la válvula mejora la eficiencia de limpieza.
At GEA we are continually innovating to improve our customers’ efficiency, reduce their consumption of valuable resources and improve sustainability.
The LEFF® function integrated in GEA T.VIS A-15 control tops has been awarded the GEA Add Better label* for its positive impact on reduced water consumption. Conventionally, mixproof valves run a time-based seat lifting cycle to clean valve seats and intermediate cavity. The LEFF® function is the smarter, more efficient way. The valve opens in a pulsating mode, controlled by path-measuring instead of fixed intervals. This increases the intensity of flushing and effectively shortens flushing times for water and chemicals. It has been proven to saves up to 92% of water and cleaning agent used.
*The add Better label relates to the LEFF® function integrated in GEA T.VIS control top, released in 2003, which saves 92% of water in comparison to conventional valve seat cleaning.
For double-seat valves it simply utilizes standard feedback units, without needing any special components. The straightforward configuration using two push buttons on the T.VIS® cap allows the LEFF® function to be activated separately at any time during set-up for the valve or double disc or even both.
Modulation of the valve disc during lifting makes it possible to drastically reduce cleaning agent consumption, respectively discharge into the drains and thus, reducing operating costs, compared to the conventional seat cleaning method.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.
Cada bebida y cada bocado de comida seguro es una victoria contra amenazas microbianas invisibles, una batalla moldeada por un siglo de diseño de procesos higiénicos. Con más de 100 años de experiencia en ingeniería y diseño higiénico, GEA marca la pauta en la industria de equipos de procesado que protegen los alimentos y salvan vidas.
La innovación en ingeniería ofrece a menudo unas ganancias incrementales. De vez en cuando, da un salto. Un ejemplo: La lavadora. Lanzadas en septiembre de 2022, dos nuevas soluciones de software de GEA están dando un vuelco a lo tradicional y proporcionando ganancias de eficiencia igualmente espectaculares en el proceso de filtración por membranas, que consume muchos recursos.