
ConsiGma® Compact Feeder (CF) Test Rig

The ConsiGma® CF20 test rig is a standalone module that allows you to characterize the feeding behavior of your products during the early stages of R&D.

ConsiGma Feeder Test Rig
Feeding and dosing the individual powders of a formulation is one of the critical unit operations in a continuous manufacturing process. Therefore, the ability to characterize the feeding behavior of your materials at an early stage is key.

The ConsiGma® CF20 test rig is a standalone module that enables you to check feeding behaviors at throughputs between 0.025 and 60.00 kg/h (depending on the product). 

Regardless of the final purpose (fully integrated continuous line or individual unit operation), this unit is targeted at all companies who have an interest in integrating a continuous feeding step into their operations.

Standard Configuration

  • Powder hopper 
  • Top-up valve 
  • Compact feeder 

Available Options

  • Different gear boxes 
  • Weigh scale 
  • Options to optimize powder feeding 

Main Benefits

  • Offline feeding optimization  
  • Minimal powder required, which can be reused 

Read more about how GEA and its partners are implementing this technology to lead the way toward smaller, more flexible, continuous processing technologies that are transforming the future of pharmaceutical development and manufacturing.

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