Extraction of suspensions with low solid contents

Clarifiers for Pharma Extraction

GEA clarifiers for pharma extraction are used in solid-liquid extraction processes with low solid contents (up to approx. 7 % by vol.).

GEA clarifiers for pharma extraction are designed in accordance to GMP requirements. Low shear forces are acting on the product by the patented hydrohermetic feed and precise systems for controlled partial ejections. The clarifiers are suitable for fully automatic cleaning-in-place (CIP).

GEA clarifiers cover all processes of liquid-solid extractions, whether in one or more stages on the co-current, counter-current and cross-current principles.Centrifugal extraction by GEA clarifiers bear the following advantages:

Reduced operating costs, low solvent requirement. Higher overall yield by short contact times. Reduced investment costs by high stage efficiency minimizing the number of stages. Optimum throughput capacity with minimum space requirement. Higher overall yield with a significant improvement in substance interchange between the phases by avoiding backmixing. Higher overall yield qualities. Higher process security and availability.

Centrifuge - Clarifier

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