
We are engineering for a better world

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About GEA

Engineering for a better world

GEA is one of the largest suppliers for food processing technology and of related industries. The global group specializes in machinery, plants, as well as process technology and components.

The new food imperative

GEA New Food Frontiers report on alternative protein industry

Alternative proteins are making rapid progress. The GEA New Food Frontiers report provides unique insights on the current state of this growing industry from key stakeholder groups.
Add better

Add Better

The Add Better label promotes GEA sustainable solutions that are significantly more resource-efficient than their predecessors.
About us

About us

GEA is one of the world’s largest systems suppliers for the food, beverage and pharmaceutical sectors. Our portfolio includes machinery and plants as well as advanced process technology, components and comprehensive services....

IR homepage


Learn more about our investor relations activities as well as our corporate governance. You will find here the latest annual report as well as supporting material.

GEA New Food-FFM


Here you will find the most relevant company information, interesting facts and most recent figures.



GEA's business success is highly dependent on the performance of its suppliers. That is why our global purchasing organization is constantly on the lookout for new, efficient suppliers who can contribute effectively to our most...

GEA Insights

A bowl of pasta with cultivated meat

GEA lleva su experiencia en proteínas alternativas a EE.UU.

Un nuevo centro tecnológico de GEA en Wisconsin para desarrollar alternativas a la carne, los lácteos, el marisco y los huevos, ayudará a acelerar la producción de nuevos alimentos en el mercado estadounidense

Preparar la cadena de frío para el futuro con una refrigeración sostenible

No se puede subestimar la importancia de una gestión de calidad de la cadena de frío. Garantizar que los alimentos perecederos sean seguros en el punto de consumo es una enorme responsabilidad para quienes gestionan las instalaciones...

De la nada

El acceso al agua potable y al saneamiento sigue siendo un reto en muchos países. Las enfermedades provocadas por el agua potable sucia y las caminatas diarias para ir a buscarla hacen que muchos niños no puedan ir a la escuela....

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