Designed to mix, prepare dough and sheet in one single machine.
The mixer features an automatic dosage of flour (ponderal or volumetric), micro ingredients, and liquids, water and eggs which are controlled by a valve PLC flowmeter.
The MKS features a paddle shaft with conic fixing which substitutes the use of screws and an opening top for easy access to the mixing vessel, provided with safety switch.
The structure of the kneader sheeter includes a receiving and feeding tank for the mixture to the next phase, thanks to rotating reels. Featuring three kneading rollers, and a pair of calibrating rollers the machine produces 7mm sheet.
The MKS features internal shoulders separated by the external ones, in order not to have any contamination of oil and grease with the transmission system. In addition, openable shoulders can be installed to improve the cleaning process.
The structure and the kinematics of the kneading rollers do not put stress on the pasta, guaranteeing that the inlet and outlet temperature are the same.
The MKS is a great solution thanks to its contained price and dimensions, grouping two processes in one single machine.