Reduce the electrical power usage of your membrane filtration process without compromising the effectiveness of your cleaning process.
Smart Filtration CIP helps to reduce your costs, minimize your impact on the environment, improve your profitability and comes as standard with all new membrane filtration installations. In addition, GEA can offer a retrofit solution to existing installations.
At GEA we are continually innovating to improve our customers’ efficiency, reduce their consumption of valuable resources and improve sustainability. Our Smart Filtration CIP is an example of our engineering know-how in practice and carries the new Add Better label.
Backed by hard data and industry expertise, we can say that our resource-efficient solution for Smart Filtration CIP can reduce energy consumption by up to 46%.
* The Add Better label relates to the product released in March 2023. The comparison refers to its predecessor model.
Smart Filtration CIP is a software-based method of operating the pumps of the filtration plants in a pulsating fashion, during CIP. The conventional way of operating the pumps is to operate them at a fixed level, close to full power, throughout the whole CIP process. This is done to achieve a high shear stress on the internal surface of the equipment. At GEA we have challenged that convention by choosing to operate our pumps in a pulsating fashion. By doing so we have retained the effectiveness of the CIP process while achieving significant power consumption reduction.
The cleaning chemicals work at the same concentration, time, and temperature as a conventional CIP but with lower electrical power consumption. Cleaning efficiency is not impacted. Smart Filtration CIP reduces energy input by up to 46%. The cooling water demand is also reduced. Together, these lead to a significant reduction in the carbon footprint. This patent-pending solution is a result of GEA process knowledge and digital experience.
Smart Filtration Flush is a software-based solution designed to reduce water consumption by up to 52% during CIP Flush.
GEA InsightPartner Filtration is a digital service product that applies Industrial IoT (Internet of Things) concepts to membrane filtration.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.
Every safe beverage and bite of food is a victory against invisible microbial threats – a battle shaped by a century of hygienic process design. With more than 100 years of engineering and hygienic design know-how, GEA sets the industry standard for processing equipment that protects food and saves lives.
Engineering innovation often takes the form of incremental gains. Once in a while, it takes a leap. Case in point: The washing machine. Launched in September 2022, two new GEA software solutions are upending convention and delivering similarly dramatic efficiency gains in the resource-intensive process of membrane filtration.