Fines return system for food and dairy spray dryers

GEA No Intervention Fines Return System

Fines return system for food and dairy spray dryers

The new No Intervention Fines Return System (patented) from GEA for food and dairy spray dryers is engineered for automated cleaning-in-place (CIP) processes, reduced down time and improved safety.

Automate your CIP process

We know that food safety, safe working conditions and production time are key concerns for our customers.GEA’s No Intervention Fines Return System (FRS) eliminates the need for manual intervention below the cyclones via patented valves that comply with EHEDG hygienic design criteria

Manual intervention before and after CIP requires time-consuming manual lifts and can result in contamination and leakage.By avoiding cumbersome manual reconfigurations, the CIP process becomes faster, safer, and more reliable. 

Other benefits include:

  • Less downtime
  • Lower contamination risks
  • No risk of CIP liquid leakage
  • Improved working conditions 

New installation or retrofit? No problem. 

For decades, GEA has been at the forefront of technical innovations in the field of powder processing. Our experience shows that food safety, safe working conditions, and production time are key concerns for customers. That’s why we developed this new solution for CIP of the fines return system – to ensure an efficient, reliable, and safe CIP process.

The No Intervention FRS, designed for food and dairy powder processing, can be retrofit to existing plants or installed in new plants for better working conditions, decreased downtime, and minimized contamination risk.

Want to find out more? Let’s talk.

Webinar: Powder recovery

During this webinar you will: 

  • Discover how you can improve on yield, reliability and safety at the same time 
  • Gain insights into some of the latest innovations that will benefit your plant and your business 
  • Get the opportunity to quiz our experts

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