
GEA bietet ein umfassendes Sortiment an Zerkleinerern für Ihre ganz speziellen Bedürfnisse, ob für Frisch- oder Gefrierfleisch, Gemüse oder Käse. Unsere vielseitigen Geräte wurden auf Flexibilität, niedrige Kosten und natürlich auf Lebensmittelsicherheit ausgelegt. Sie lassen sich rasch auf viele verschiedene Funktionen und Nahrungsmittel einstellen.

GEA PowerGrind | Food grinding machine in use with minced meat

The standard in grinding

We understand the vital role that grinding plays in the preparation process. Therefore, our dedicated team has developed the PowerGrind and ComboGrind machines, designed to enhance capacity, prioritize hygiene, and ensure utmost safety. Whether you're working with fresh meat, frozen meat, meat alternatives, cheese, or any other ingredient, our versatile grinders can meet your needs.
Hauptanwendungsgebiete des Lebensmittelwolfs GEA PowerGrind

When we grind our primary focus is to grind the meat into different levels of fineness. This process involves passing the meat through a series of sharp blades or hole plates. The size of the holes in the grinding plates determine the final texture of the ground product.

Other benefits when grinding can be homogenization of the product, mixing and fat incorporation. Overall, our grinders play a crucial role in processing by transforming raw materials into the required consistency for various food products and/or for the next process, eg. forming

At GEA, we place a strong emphasis on durability. Our extensive installed base of grinding machines speaks for itself, with over x% of them having been in operation for over 20 years. This serves as a testament to the quality and longevity of our products. When you choose GEA, you're choosing reliability, high capacity, and expertise.

GEA Technology Center Bakel – Food Solutions Team

GEA Technology Center Bakel

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Sie möchten validieren, experimentieren und innovieren, ohne eventuell Ihre laufende Produktion zu stören? Dann sind Sie bei unserem Technology Center Bakel für Lebensmittellösungen genau richtig. Unsere Türen stehen Ihnen immer offen, auch mit Remote-Zugang!


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