Homogenizing valve

coneVerge® homogenizing valve

coneVerge® is the highest efficiency, ultra-low pressure homogenizing device that reduces energy consumption for dairy and beverage products. Elimination of breakage risk and reduction of wearing part to only two pieces makes maintenance to be easily done by customers in-situ.

The coneVerge® maximizes efficiency by forming uniform, concentric, knife edge, optimum gap, multiple parallel flow channels between its fixed inner cone and sliding outer cone. The product flows through and exits these channels at high velocity and impacts with each other further enhancing energy utilization and homogenizing efficiency.  The coneVerge® is TUV Add Better certified to reduce required homogenizer pressure and energy by up to 20%. In some cases, homogenizing pressure can be lowered even more than 20% - up to 50%. 

Main Features 

  • Homogenizing efficiency is maximized 
  1. Machining tolerances of micron size multiple parallel gaps are off set by using cones 
  2. Deflections eliminated using only two solid hard metal wear parts, one fixed and one sliding.  
  3. Self centering due to product flow through the gaps in same axis as actuation 
  4. Subjecting all the product to uniform fluid dynamics. 
  5. No Springs are used making the valve robust and free of vibrations and harmonics, with low noise. 
  • Can be supplied with new high pressure homogenizer and also retrofitted on existing GEA or non-GEA homogenizers. Significant reduction in TCO of entire homogenizer with energy savings and reduction in wear and maintenance frequency, scope and cost. 
  • Improved particle size distribution, which lowers susceptibility to seasonal variations and reduction in surfactant use, if used. 
  • Available with double seals with flushed barrier chambers to homogenize aseptic/sterile products. 


coneVerge® is registered as a trademark in several countries worldwide.


Have a look to the video to see how the coneVerge® works




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