Control Top

T.VIS® Q-15

Safe control and monitoring of overflow valves in breweries, dairies, fruit juice production plants and in the pharmaceutical industry.

Control top T.VIS® Q-15
The T.VIS® Q-15 used to control and monitor overflow valves of the VARIVENT Q series can optionally be equipped with solenoid valves. The proximity switch is mounted in the valve lantern as standard.
In addition to the safe control and monitoring of Q-valve-specific functions, the T.VIS® Q-15 offers the possibility to mount the control top directly on the Q-valve.
Control top T.VIS® Q-15


  • Easy installation directly on the valve
  • Low energy consumption
  • Reduction of operating costs
  • Filter protects solenoid valves
  • High-quality pneumatic fittings
  • Exchangeable compressed air connection
  • Standard protection class IP69


The T.VIS® Q-15 is equipped with a valve-specific proximity switch for position  detection in the lantern. The necessary wiring for control and feedback is carried out via an externally accessible M12 connector. Thanks to the initial initialization carried out at the factory, the only required adjustments for operation are to be made on the proximity switch. The buttons located inside the T.VIS® can be used for reinitialization after a reset. The push buttons are secured electronically against inadvertent or incorrect operation, while in operating mode. The supply air connection is equipped with a replaceable filter to protect the built-in solenoid valves.

Lift Function

By using an optionally solenoid valve in the control top, the valve disc of the Q valve can be lifted, for example, for cleaning purposes. The proximity switch in the lantern serves as feedback of the valve disc position for processing in the PLC.

D-Force Function

By actuating an optional solenoid valve in the control top, the closing force of the spring-loaded actuator can be increased. Two integrated status messages, which can be processed in the PLC, indicates if the D-Force function is active or inactive.
Valve and plant automation - Q&A

Valve and plant automation

The degree of automation in production systems in the food, dairy, pharma and beverage industries is ever on the rise. In the course of the fast digital development towards Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things, digital control tops are becoming indispensable components of future process plants.


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