GEA DairyFeed F4634 - the HygieneBox
The HygieneBox expands your calf feeder system to include fully automated pump hose cleaning. The complete pump hose system can be automatically flushed up to four times per day, optionally with one or two detergents – for optimal hygiene from automatic feeder to teat!

Save valuable working time: If a new calf is registered in the feeding station, the HygieneBox automatically dispenses a small amount of feed. The calf learns to use the feeding station independently fast, even when you are not in the barn. Due to the external flushing the teat is also cleaned automatically with clear water after each calf.

The HygieneBox is equipped with an activity sensor that supports early illness detection by your automatic feed system. This allows you to take action quickly and prevent disease.

An overview of the key benefits:

  • Fully automatic circulation cleaning of the suction hose and all milk-carrying parts several times per day, optionally with one or two detergents (alkaline, acid)
  • Thanks to the change-over valve in the HygieneBox the return line is used solely for cleaning purposes. The milk is not permanently pumped around in circles
  • Teat rinsing from the outside after each calf
  • Teat rinsing from the inside up to the tip during the fully automatic cleaning of the calf feeder to the suction hose
  • The milk and saliva residues are drained outside the calf area via the draining bowl located below the HygieneBox

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