Lyophilization Technology

SMART LYO® Pharma Freeze Dryer

Using proven, standardized modules, SMART LYO® pharmaceutical freeze dryers help to reduce the cost of freeze drying while maintaining quality and performance


SMART LYO® Pharma Freeze Dryers

Available in shelf sizes from 6.7 to 41.2 m² with a condenser capacity of up to 800 kg, SMART LYO® pharmaceutical freeze dryers are suitable for a wide range of applications. The use of tried and tested GEA technology shortens both delivery and validation times, and enables customers to bring their products to market more quickly.  They meet the highest possible technical requirements, the strictest agency standards and comply with all the current guidelines, such as GAMP, cGMP, FDA, etc.

Key features

  • The entire system is constructed on a single-floor plant frame for fast, simple commissioning
  • The system includes a compact chamber/condenser unit, all system modules (hydraulics, venting system, vacuum) and available options such as CIP and SIP
  • Fully compatible with the ALUS® Automatic Loading and Unloading System
  • The refrigeration unit can be installed remotely from the plant frame, on a different floor if necessary, enabling the installation to be adapted to fit the customer’s infrastructure
  • Frame mounting facilitates installation
  • GEA Global Service Network provides rapid worldwide access to original spare parts and a comprehensive repair service that minimizes downtime and keeps costs under control
ModelUnitsSL 100SL 200SL 300SL 400SL 600SL 800
Shelf area6,71014,920,430,241,2
No. of vials (Ø 16mm)Quantity29.49644.24465.69090.530133.913182.865
No. of vials (Ø 22mm)Quantity15.49823.24734.34047.36070.35696.585
No. of vials (Ø 30mm)Quantity8.14212.21318.40025.52037.70051.750
No. of shelvesQuantity6 + 19 + 110 + 111 + 113 + 115 + 1
Shelf sizemm914 x 1219914 x 12191219 x 12191219 x 15241524 x 15241524 x 1803
Shelf temperature°C-55 ... +70-55 ... +70-55 ... +70-55 ... +70-55 ... +70-55 ... +70
Condenser capacitykg/24h100200300400600800
Condenser temperature°C-75-75-75-75-75-75
Unit dimensions
Length (B)mm5000560060006500Depending on Layout
Width (A)mm3000300034003400


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