Lyophilizers (Pharma Freeze Dryers)

GEA supplies a comprehensive variety of standard and custom-built freeze dryers for the commercial-scale production of high-quality pharmaceutical products.

Fully automated and GMP-compliant, our portfolio of modular equipment ranges from standalone production plant to multi-floor, high-capacity systems as well as ALUS™ (Automatic Loading and Unloading System), integrated isolators and CIP-skids.

We also supply sophisticated solutions for highly potent products and fully integrated systems with multiple freeze dryers and loading systems that are compatible with third-party filling lines, cleanrooms and isolators.

The design and manufacture of each module and system component is done in accordance with all cGMP, CE, GAMP, ASME-BPE and 21 CFR Part 11 guidelines, meeting the strictest requirements and regulatory standards around the world.

In addition, the company’s retrofit expertise enables customers to extend the life of their freeze dryers, modernize their production lines, cope with changing regulations and comply with current requirements for environmentally friendly processing.

By ensuring security of outcome and batch safety, GEA lyophilizers help to reduce the cost of freeze drying while maintaining quality and performance, making validation and documentation easier and reducing delivery times.


Leading the Way in Annex 1 Compliance and Innovation in Freeze-Drying Technology

Stay compliant with the updated Annex 1 guidelines with GEA Pharma & Healthcare's cutting-edge freeze-drying technology. From leak detection to automation, GEA ensures all current and future projects meet the stringent GMP standards set by the European Commission.


Аналитика GEA

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Каждая четвертая упаковка спагетти, каждый второй литр пива и четверть всего переработанного молока в мире зависит от оборудования GEA. Когда производственные линии требуют внимания, GEA Service принимает меры по устранению проблем...

Новый завод по производству насосов в Польше изменил производство отвечающей требованиям гигиенических норм продукции

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Human hands brought together to form a circle

In for the better: Community engagement at GEA

To support community engagement, GEA offers employees one day of paid time off per year.

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