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GEA investing EUR 15 million in Niederahr plant modernization

22 Jun 2023

GEA is investing a total of around EUR 50 million by the end of 2024 in modernizing its two centrifuge plants in Germany. Approximately EUR 15 million will be invested in the Niederahr site and EUR 35 million in the parent plant in Oelde, Westphalia. In Niederahr, GEA has been manufacturing decanter centrifuges for 60 years. These are mainly used in the food technology, chemical engineering and environmental technology sectors. The company plans to drive further growth in its key markets – food, beverages and pharmaceuticals – by investing in more sustainable production processes, digitalization, automation and leading-edge manufacturing technologies.

Figure 1: GEA is modernizing its Niederahr plant in Germany with an investment package of more than EUR 15 million.  (Photo: GEA/Julian Poll)

GEA is modernizing its Niederahr plant in Germany with an investment package of more than EUR 15 million. (Photo: GEA/Julian Poll)

What began 130 years ago at GEA’s Oelde site with the manufacture of the first hand-operated centrifuge for separating milk and cream is now an indispensable feature of state-of-the-art industry. Today, GEA centrifuges are deployed in more than 3,500 different liquid handling processes. Decanter centrifuges from Niederahr are used, for instance, in water treatment, lithium processing, protein extraction as well as the beverage and dairy industries. From electric cars to drinking water supply, from vegan burgers to oat milk – decanter centrifuges are important in many different areas.

Figure 2: GEA has been producing decanter centrifuges at the Niederahr site for over 60 years. These are deployed, for example, in water treatment, lithium processing, protein extraction as well as the beverage and dairy industries.  (Photo: GEA/Marcel Häbel)

GEA has been producing decanter centrifuges at the Niederahr site for over 60 years. These are deployed, for example, in water treatment, lithium processing, protein extraction as well as the beverage and dairy industries. (Photo: GEA/Marcel Häbel)

Success through commitment and the art of engineering

“I am delighted that, with this investment, we are now making GEA’s Niederahr site fit for the decades ahead and broadening our technology leadership in this field,” said Klaus Stojentin, CEO of the GEA Separation and Flow Technologies Division.

“This investment means we will be producing our decanter centrifuges at the Niederahr site in a way that is better for the climate, more efficient and up to the minute,” added Oliver Buchner, Senior Director Supply Chain & Production at GEA in Niederahr. “It is largely thanks to the dedication of our employees that we are able to celebrate our 60th anniversary today and look to the future with confidence.”

Climate-friendly production using renewable energy

The investment package for the Niederahr plant covers four areas: sustainability, digitalization, automation and cutting-edge production techniques. To ensure that its production operations are fit for the future, GEA is modernizing the logistics, mechanical production and assembly/testing. New end-to-end machine centers will speed up complex processes at consistently top production quality. Digitalizing workflows will help accelerate logistics as well as enhance the level of automation in final acceptance testing.

All GEA plants are already powered by green electricity. Ultimately, the power supply at the plant locations will be converted as far as possible to renewable energy generated on site. At the Niederahr site, the feasibility of a large-scale photovoltaic system to cover the plant’s energy needs is currently being explored. Any surplus energy could even be used to produce hydrogen.

End-to-end machine centers like this one speed up complex processes while maintaining consistently high production quality.

End-to-end machine centers like this one speed up complex processes while maintaining consistently high production quality.


Lilian Schmalenstroer

Phone: 49 211 91362090

About GEA

Компания GEA – это один из крупнейших поставщиков для пищевой промышленности и широкого спектра других отраслей промышленности. В 2019 году ее консолидированный объем продаж составил около 4,9 миллиарда евро.

Международная технологическая группа специализируется на производстве и поставках машинного оборудования, производств, а также технологий и компонентов производственных процессов. Компания GEA предоставляет экологически рациональные энергетические решения для сложных производственных процессов на различных рынках конечных пользователей и предлагает полный пакет услуг. Около 70 процентов прибыли компании генерируется в сфере производства продуктов питания и напитков, где наблюдается продолжительная и устойчивая тенденция роста. По состоянию на 31 декабря 2018 года на предприятиях компании по всему миру работало примерно 18 500 человек. В своих сферах деятельности компания GEA относится к технологическим лидерам на рынке. Акции компании котируются при определении германского биржевого индекса MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), европейского биржевого индекса STOXX® Europe 600 и некоторых глобальных индексов устойчивого развития MSCI. Более подробная информация доступна на веб-сайте gea.com. Если вам необходима дополнительная информация от компании GEA, отправьте сообщение по адресу pr@gea.com.
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