LoTo – safe maintenance and commissioning

The Lock out, Tag out (LoTo) device is used to ensure a safe maintenance and commissioning of process plants. Energy sources will be locked and visually marked to prevent the unintentional movement of the valve.

By applying slight pressure to the hood of the valve, a positive connection to the handwheel can be established, so that this enables the valve to be closed and opened. A complete locking takes place in the closed state. There are two executions for the nominal sizes DN 40 to DN 100, which is tailored to the manually actuated VESTA® valves with stainless steel or plastic lantern. The valves can be locked in any position.

Aseptic valves & components

Клапаны & компоненты для асептической обработки жидкости

Асептические клапаны удовлетворяют исключительно высокими требованиям, предъявляемым к сверхчистым (UltraClean) и асептическим (Aseptic) технологическим процессам. Вы можете быть уверены в том, что все они обеспечивают высочайшее качество с точки зрения гигиенического исполнения и долговечности.
LoTo – for safe commissioning and maintenance


GEA has become the first valve manufacturer to develop special Lockout-Tagout (LoTo) locks for its entire hygienic valve technology range. These mechanical or pneumatic locks help plant operators effectively protect their workforce from hazards in production.

Benefits at a glance

Safe status of valves and flow paths
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