Trattamento dell'olio

Charting a Greener Course: Sustainable Shipping with Biofuels

The decarbonization of shipping plays a crucial role on the road to a climate-neutral transport economy. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set a goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping by or around 2050. Checkpoints for 2030 aim to reduce GHG emissions by 20-30% and for 2040 by 70-80% compared to 2008.

The vast majority of ocean-going vessels run on heavy fuel oil. This contributes to about 3 percent of global CO2 emissions and ship owners need to consider more sustainable fuel sources. The switch to alternative fuels is necessary to limit greenhouse gas emissions in international maritime transport as quickly as possible and to achieve the IMO's CO2reduction targets. 

Biofuels for a more sustainable shipping

Potential of biofuels for shipping

Among the various fuel solutions available to ship operators, biofuels offer a good alternative. Carbon emissions are lower compared to fossil fuels and sustainability criteria can be met.

Existing engines can generally use biofuels without major fuel line modifications. Therefore, biofuels are already seen as a bridge fuel for future fuels and are being used as a retrofit for existing vessels to achieve initial energy and CO2 savings.

GEA biofuel Separators

GEA biofuel Separators are specifically designed for the unique characteristics of biofuels, efficiently separating water and contaminants to meet the stringent requirements of the industry.

GEA also offers the option of upgrading older generations such as OSC, OSD, and OSE Separators to make them compatible with the unique characteristics of biofuels. For many years, GEA separators, regardless of generation, have proven excellent separation performance for biofuels on board ships.

Oltre i limiti

Pushing the limits. The GEA marine Separator.

Innovativa tecnologia di separazione con vantaggi reali.
Kit di upgrade per separatori marini di GEA

GEA marine Upgrade Kit for separators

Progettato per regolare automaticamente i diversi processi di separazione, il kit di upgrade per il settore marittimo di GEA comprende un software aggiuntivo e un sofisticato kit hardware di facile installazione. Aumentando notevolmente le funzionalità dei nostri separatori marini, li rende più efficienti e rispettosi dell'ambiente.

Approfondimenti GEA

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Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.

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CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

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