GEA Foundation

GEA establishes foundation and expands global community engagement

GEA globe

GEA again increases profitability in third quarter and records higher order intake

GEA Mission 30

GEA achieves mid-term financial targets ahead of schedule and announces ambitious plans for 2030

GEA Group AG

GEA again listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index – as sole German machinery and plant manufacturer

December 24, 2024

GEA fördert neues Kinderhaus im SOS-Kinderdorf Düsseldorf

GEA supports new children’s house for SOS Children’s Village (SOS Kinderdorf) Düsseldorf

December 19, 2024

In the run-up to the charity gala, reporter Toni paid a visit to Henning Lefert's dairy farm in Ahaus, Germany, for the symbolic handing over GEA’s 300,000 euro check to BILD hilft e.V. "Ein Herz für Kinder." Here she was able to see how milk is produced with the help of state-of-the-art GEA technology, like robotic milking machines. Source: GEA

GEA supports "Ein Herz für Kinder" again with EUR 300,000 donation

December 8, 2024

Believer Meats Chicken Salad

GEA and Believer Meats join forces to scale up cultivated meat production

September 26, 2024

GEA company brochure

Company brochure

GEA company presentation

Company presentation

GEA Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

GEA sustainability report 2023

Sustainability Report 2023

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




Approfondimenti GEA

Cows grazing in green pasture with wind turbines in background

Making milk production more sustainable for a growing world

The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.

GEA customer Crailsheim dairy processor

Macchine pulite, cibo sicuro: il potere della progettazione igienica

Ogni bevanda e alimento sicuro è una vittoria contro invisibili minacce microbiche, il risultato di una battaglia condotta sulla scorta di un secolo di progettazione di processi igienici. Con oltre 100 anni di know-how ingegneristico e di progettazione igienica, GEA stabilisce lo standard industriale per attrezzature di lavorazione che proteggono gli alimenti e salvano vite.

Filtrazione: il principio della lavatrice

Spesso nel progettare innovazioni si procede passo dopo passo, con risultati progressivi. A volte, invece, si fanno subito passi da gigante. Un esempio su tutti: la lavatrice. Lanciate nel settembre 2022, due nuove soluzioni software di GEA stanno rivoluzionando le convenzioni e producendo notevoli miglioramenti di efficienza in un processo come quello della filtrazione a membrana che richiede molte risorse.

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