Contained Materials Handling Systems

GEA manufacture a full range of contained material handling equipment for the pharmaceutical industry.

Contained Materials Handling solutions for Primary and Secondary Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare. With extensive experience within the generics sector, supply a wide range of technologies and equipment that improve and enhance the efficiency and performance of Oral Solid Dosage production.

Our distinctive specialization lies in the integration of the BUCK® containment technology into complete solutions for pharmaceutical solid dosage forms facilities.With an emphasis on quality and GMP standards, we are committed to working together with our customers to deliver first class tailored solutions for projects of all sizes and complexity. With world-wide references, GEA have developed an outstanding reputation for quality and service, to become the clear leader in contained materials handling technology.

GEA Insights

Achieving net zero with GEA's holistic engineering solutions

Industries across the board are working hard to meet net-zero targets while navigating stringent decarbonization regulations and legislation. At the same time, companies must balance growing demands for quality, product development...

À table avec … les nouveaux aliments : Préparer la nourriture de notre futur

Le café, le cacao, le lait, la viande, le poisson, les œufs : ces denrées de base reposent fortement sur l’agriculture intensive. Avec l’avènement des technologies à l’origine des nouveaux aliments, nous disposons de solutions...

Salariés GEA - Séparation

Séparez(-vous) de la masse

L’histoire des centrifugeuses GEA a commencé en 1893, quand Franz Ramesohl et Franz Schmidt se sont lancés dans la fabrication de leur séparateur de lait mécanique breveté, qui allait paver la voie à la transformation laitière...

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