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Shoulder to shoulder with the fruit rescuers

05 Jul 2022

How to tackle food waste efficiently is shown by Swedish company RSCUED. With innovative GEA technology, they transform tons of surplus fruit and vegetables into premium juice every day.

The RSCUED team from Sweden

The RSCUED team from Sweden saves tons of fruits and vegetables from spoiling every day by turning them into high-quality juices, chips, and fertilizers. (Image: RSCUED)

How a Swedish juice producer prevents food waste with GEA technology

According to a WWF study, 42 percent of all cultivated fruits and vegetables worldwide are thrown away every year – even though they are eminently suitable for further processing. The Swedish company RSCUED wants to change this and has appointed itself fruit rescuers. Their business concept is as sustainable as it is unconventional and requires a special solution. This has now been delivered to them by the technology group GEA. With the innovative vacuum juicer GEA vaculiq, RSCUED can produce high-quality juices in the shortest possible time from raw materials that would otherwise have fallen victim to waste. The icing on the cake: the waste from production is also recycled into valuable fertilizer.

RSCUED juices

RSCUED juices are becoming increasingly popular with customers. (Image: RSCUED)

On its way to food recycling, RSCUED has taken a big step forward together with the technical solution from GEA. "The advantages of the GEA skid for us were the very short processing time, efficiency, high product quality and flexibility. We need to be able to respond to seasonal supply just as quickly as to fluctuating incoming goods," explains Truls Christenson, co-founder of RSCUED. This is because the company receives the fruit and vegetables sorted out for regular trade via donations from wholesalers, supermarkets, farms and delivery services. Private individuals who have larger quantities from their gardens also participate in RSCUED's appeal.

GEA vaculiq with its vacuum spiral filter delivers the desired flexibility in full measure: The system processes a ton of fruit or vegetables within about twenty minutes and cleaning the system between productions takes just five minutes. Different varieties can thus be turned into high-quality juice in quick succession. And it does so with maximum yield: in the first test phase, RSCUED was able to produce twice as much juice compared to its previously used press. With a capacity of up to 1,800 liters per hour, RSCUED is now able to easily increase its production in the future thanks to GEA vaculiq and is also capable of receiving goods - besides Sweden - from all over Northern Europe.

GEA vaculiq 100 vacuum spiral filter with GEA MultiCrush milling system

The GEA vaculiq 100 vacuum spiral filter (left) and the GEA MultiCrush milling system are pre-assembled on movable skids and can be used flexibly. (Image: GEA)

In addition, GEA's vacuum spiral filter technology was convincing in terms of quality. With this juicing method, the products do not come into contact with oxygen, which is known to have unfavorable effects on vegetables and fruits. In addition, the gentle process preserves all healthy vitamins and secondary plant nutrients. Finally, the juice produced with GEA vaculiq not only looks better, it also tastes fresher and has a longer shelf life. "GEA's overall concept is therefore an innovative and unique solution for us in the field of sustainable, industrial juice production," adds Truls Christenson.

Truls Christenson, co-founder of RSCUED

Truls Christenson, Co-founder of RSCUED (Image: RSCUED)

All's well that ends well

And so the circle closes for GEA and RSCUED: The dry mash discharged by the vaculiq plant, together with remaining rejects, is ideally suited as a basis for fertilizer – which, as is well known, promotes the growth of new fruits and vegetables. This fertilizer is finally distributed through a large garden center chain in Sweden.

"When we founded RSCUED as a start-up seven years ago, we had the vision to stop the waste madness. Together with GEA, we have now been able to realize this on a higher level. With the new GEA vaculiq 100 vacuum juicer and the multiCrush milling system from GEA, we are very well positioned and can develop our production excellently", says Truls Christenson. "And the faster, more flexible and more productive we are at RSCUED – the more we contribute to sustainability for a healthier planet."

RSCUED was founded in Helsingborg in 2015 as a start-up. The company employs around 15 staff members and expects revenues of EUR 3,2 million in 2022. The company’s purpose is to rescue all kind of fruit and vegetables which would otherwise be wasted. RSCUED receives the fruit and vegetables sorted out for regular trade via donations from wholesalers, supermarkets, farms and delivery services from Sweden as well as Northern Europe. The products are sold via their webshop as well as in selected grocery stores, coffee shops and restaurants and in Sweden. Learn more here:


Lilian Schmalenstroer

Tél. 49 211 91362090

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

À propos de GEA

GEA est un des principaux fournisseurs de l'industrie agroalimentaire et d'autres industries, qui sont à l’origine d’un revenu consolidé qui a atteint près de 4,9 Mrd EUR en 2019.

C’est un groupe international spécialisé dans les machines et les installations, ainsi que dans les technologies de procédés et composants. GEA fournit des solutions énergétiques durables, utilisées dans des process de production de pointe pour divers marchés, et offre une gamme complète de services. Le groupe réalise près de 70 % de son revenu dans l'industrie alimentaire et des boissons, un secteur caractérisé par une croissance durable de long terme. Au 31 décembre 2018, la société employait plus de 18 500 personnes dans le monde. GEA est un leader du marché et des technologies dans ses secteurs d'activité. La société est cotée sur l'indice boursier allemand MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), sur l'indice STOXX® Europe 600 et sur des indices de durabilité globale MSCI sélectionnés.
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