NOx emission reduction

GEA NOx Separator

GEA NOx Separator with integrated direct drive is specially configured for the water treatment in Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) on board marine vessels. After treatment, the purified water can be discharged into the sea.

GEA NOx Separator

NOx reduction by Exhaust Gas Recirculation

As environmental regulations on exhaust gases become more stringent, the shipping industry is under pressure to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and fine particulates. 

Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) is a NOx emission reduction technology that ensures IMO Tier III compliance in both diesel and gas operations. Engine manufacturers offer their customers engines with EGR systems for heavy fuel oil (HFO), low-sulfur fuels, liquefied natural gas (LNG), and IMO Tier II and Tier III methanol. 

EGR water treatment

When incorporating EGR technology into marine engines, it is important to consider the treatment of EGR wash water prior to its discharge into the ocean. The recirculated exhaust gas in the EGR process can potentially interact with contaminants such as soot, sulfur compounds and acidic substances.

The GEA NOx Separator is designed for a single task. The system purifies the bleed-off water before discharge according to MEPC.307(73) and optionally to MEPC.259(68).

Key benefits

  • Compliant with MEPC EGR guidelines
  • Reduced energy consumption and low operating costs
  • High-efficiency integrated direct drive
  • Easily exchangeable drive system
  • Automatic flushing of sludge holding space
  • Compact design with small footprint for continuous operation
  • Ready for smart connectivity
Pushing the limits

The GEA marine Separator

Pushing the limits

Innovative separator technology with real benefits.

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