Solid Dosage


GEA supplies solutions for manufacturing inhalable and oral antiviral drugs ranging from blending, spray drying and particle engineering to continuous manufacturing.

Manufacturing Anti-virals

Antiviral medications help the body to fight off harmful viruses such as influenza, chickenpox and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), to name a few. The drugs can ease symptoms and shorten the length of a viral infection. Antivirals also lower the risk of getting or spreading viruses that cause herpes and HIV. One approved antiviral treats the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Antiviral drugs are also preventive. They can protect you from getting viral infections or spreading a virus to others. They come in many formats, including tablets, intravenous solutions, liquids and inhaled powders.

For inhalable versions, GEA understands that homogeneity and stability are key factors. Our dry powder blending, spray drying and particle engineering capabilities ensure that the production of free-flowing, aerodynamic particles at the correct size is achievable at the scale you need.

And, with the ongoing development of oral anti-viral medications, particularly as a result of the COVID-19, pandemic, there is increased interest in the use of continuous manufacturing to accelerate process design and product optimization.

For example, the compact and fully integrated ConsiGma®4.0 platform has been designed to transfer powder into coated tablets in a shorter time frame. Plus, by combining Quality by Design (QbD) principles with Design of Experiments (DoE), it enables operators to explore the design space in a quick and easy way and expedite time-to-market. 

GEA Insights

Preparar la cadena de frío para el futuro con una refrigeración sostenible

No se puede subestimar la importancia de una gestión de calidad de la cadena de frío. Garantizar que los alimentos perecederos sean seguros en el punto de consumo es una enorme responsabilidad para quienes gestionan las instalaciones...

Josep Masramón and his daughter stand in front of their GEA batch milking installation.

Cómo ayuda el ordeño por lotes a la ganadería lechera moderna

La última evolución en el ordeño automatizado introduce el ordeño por lotes, una práctica ganadera en que las vacas se ordeñan en grupos a horas fijas, normalmente dos o tres veces al día. La tecnología de automatización está...

De la nada

El acceso al agua potable y al saneamiento sigue siendo un reto en muchos países. Las enfermedades provocadas por el agua potable sucia y las caminatas diarias para ir a buscarla hacen que muchos niños no puedan ir a la escuela....

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