
Her tomorrow is our today.

Safeguarding our resources to protect, feed and power the world.

The future of our world undoubtedly belongs to our children - especially in times of crises and challenges, the well-being of future generations is more than ever the focus of our efforts. We are always aware that every action we take today has a far-reaching impact on the world of tomorrow - both positive and negative.

That is why we work every day to ensure that the world we leave our children is a sustainable and livable one, and that we actively contribute to shaping a better future for all. We are convinced that together we can make a difference, and we are committed to working toward a world in which all people can benefit equally from the innovations and advances of our time.

A world that remains livable in the long term, however, requires a ubiquitous resource that transcends all boundaries: water.
Despite seemingly endless supplies, clean water is one thing: limited.

Therefore, it is essential to adopt sustainable strategies and measures to ensure clean water for the future.

Safeguarding our resources to protect, feed and power the world.

GEA envionmental Decanter lines

GEA – decades of expertise as a sludge specialist in the waste water business.

In response to the growing need for sustainable water usage, there's an increasing demand for improved water management. This applies to wastewater and sludge treatment in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, as it does in agriculture.

To address these pressing challenges, we have developed GEA biosolids, sludge and manure Decanter to turn biosolids, industrial waste water sludge, manure and fermentation residue into a recyclable resource, generating both energy and recyclable material with optimal efficiency.

The thirst for water is growing – in municipalities, industry and agriculture. Megatrends such as the ever increasing global population and urbanization are making sure of this. But fresh water is a rare commodity on our planet: only around 1% is directly available.

Demand for water

In order to meet this demand in a sustainable way, more efficient water management is required. This applies to waste water treatment and sludge treatment in municipal and industrial waste water treatment plants, as it does in agriculture.

GEA – decades of expertise as a sludge specialist in the waste water business.

To meet these challenges, we have developed GEA biosolids, sludge and manure Decanter to turn biosolids, industrial waste water sludge, manure and fermentation residue into a recyclable resource to generate energy and reusable material – with the best possible yields.

GEA environmental Decanter pro

GEA Decanter pro
  • Standardized machine configuration for plug & play integration in processes with little need for adjustments
  • High performance, economical investment and lifecycle costs
  • Output range: 1 m3/h – 120 m3/h

GEA environmental Decanter prime

GEA Decanter prime
  • Can be flexibly configured for highly complex preparation processes with individual requirements and large capacities
  • GEA summationdrive® for automatic torque measurement and differential speed adjustment
  • Excellent performance
  • Output range: 15 m3/h – 300 m3/h

GEA biosolids Granulator

GEA biosolids Granulator

The GEA biosolids Granulator is an innovative dry-on-demand solution for wastewater biosolids treatment from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. It combines existing centrifuge-based dewatering with established drying technology.

A perfect solution for plants with limited disposal and recycling capacities that want to future-proof their processes in terms of circular economy, sustainability and ecological footprint.

Learn more

GEA environmental Decanter lines

“Design to needs” based on German engineering ingenuity

Developed following extensive market analyses, GEA biosolidssludge and manure Decanters in pro and prime designs offer efficient, economical solutions for municipalities, industry and agriculture.

In environmental technology, machines and process technologies from GEA enjoy a distinguished reputation all over the world: for example for cost-optimised, energy and resource-conserving sludge thickening, and pre- and final dewatering.

GEA – 130 years of excellent German engineering

GEA is an international technology group and one of the world’s largest suppliers of process technology for the food industry and a wide range of other industries, such as environmental technology, with a focus on sludge treatment. Our aim is to offer innovative solutions which combine environmental protection with high social benefits and cost effectiveness. We call it “engineering for a better world".

We help to protect, feed and power the world.

Find your optimal GEA decanter

Yongxiang Hu – City of Xiamen

What our customers say

In 2017, we put the GEA decanters into operation at the Tang'an waste water treatment plant, where around 100,000 tonnes of waste water is collected each day. We are extremely impressed with the machine – with the output data and the service life, as well as the high level of energy efficiency.

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Industrial effluent

Industrial effluents

Los efluentes que provienen de la producción se generan como resultado de procesos de purificación que representan un gran desafío para las compañías industriales. Para el tratamiento compatible con el medio ambiente de estos efluentes, GEA apoya a la industria con tecnología de procesos innovadora y equipos de primera categoría que son fiables y eficientes para tratar la contaminación de los efluentes. Esto no solo permite una reducción duradera de los costes de eliminación: recuperar el contenido con valor de los flujos de producción también contribuye a un significativo ahorro de costes.
Agricultural biomass

Agricultural biomass

Tanto los residuos de fermentación de la biomasa como los lodos de las explotaciones ganaderas se consideran fertilizantes valiosos para la agricultura moderna. Para esparcirlos sobre los terrenos de cultivo de manera que no perjudiquen la tierra y para cumplir estrictos requisitos legales, las sustancias orgánicas y su exceso de nutrientes asociado deben procesarse de manera adecuada. GEA proporciona al mercado conceptos de procesado de fácil uso basados en las exigencias que contribuyen a una reducción sostenible de la contaminación ambiental.
Municipal effluents

Municipal effluents

La eliminación respetuosa con el medio ambiente y rentable de productos de desecho que se han generado al tratar efluentes es un importante desafío para toda la industria. Sin embargo, también es verdad que cuanto mayor es la proporción de materia seca que desechar, menores son los costes de transporte, incineración y vertedero. Los decantadores de GEA deshidratan y espesan los efluentes de manera fiable, lo que permite que las plantas municipales de aguas residuales obtengan un volumen de lodos considerablemente menor.


Con el crecimiento de la población mundial y el suministro de agua potable para comunidades, agricultura e industria, el desafío para cumplir con la demanda global de agua con tecnologías innovadoras también es más importante. A medida que aumenta la demanda de agua potable y se reduce su disponibilidad, la crisis del agua no solo se exacerba con el cambio climático sino también con la contaminación medioambiental. Además del tratamiento de las aguas superficiales y subterráneas, hay una tendencia cada vez más importante a producir agua potable a partir de agua salada.
GEA Decanter pro

Standardized machine configuration

GEA environmental Decanter pro

  • Standardized machine configuration for plug & play integration in processes with little need for adjustments
  • Resource efficient product that carries the Add Better label
  • High performance, economical investment and lifecycle costs
  • Output range: 1 m3/h – 120 m3/h
GEA Decanter prime

Customized machine configuration

GEA environmental Decanter prime

  • Can be flexibly configured for highly complex preparation processes with individual requirements and large capacities
  • GEA summationdrive® for automatic torque measurement and differential speed adjustment
  • Excellent performance
  • Output range: 15 mm3/h – 300 m3/h
GEA biosolids Granulator

Innovative dry-on-demand solution

GEA biosolids Granulator

The GEA biosolids Granulator is an innovative dry-on-demand solution for the treatment of biosolids from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. It combines existing centrifuge-based dewatering with proven drying technology.

It is the perfect solution for plants with limited disposal and recycling capacities that want to future-proof their processes in terms of circular economy, sustainability and environmental footprint.
Better wolrd, better products

Discover what sustainability can do

Better World. Better Products.

Experience our commitment to "engineering for a better world" in action every day. With our innovative products, sustainability becomes a reality, seamlessly integrated into everyday operations. From energy-efficient solutions to water-saving technologies, our products deliver immediate benefits, fostering future-proof business development across diverse industries.
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