Well suited system to clean one alley or alleys of different length using a single power unit.
System designed to clean small to medium size barns
System designed for cross gutter that does not exceed 540' (165 m) long. Easy servicing and suited for sand bedding.
System designed for cross gutter that does not exceed 335' (102 m) long. Best suited for straw bedding or free stall manure containing a large amount of bedding. Strong and reliable equipment requiring low maintenance.
System designed for shorter cross gutter that does not exceed 164' (50 m).
Breweries that become more flexible, sustainable and digital can more easily adapt to the changing beer market.
Lecithin holds a special place in the heart of GEA Product Sales Manager Patrick Schürmann. The versatile substance has gone from having a supporting role in edible oil refining to being the star of the highly competitive and...
The story of the GEA centrifuge begins in 1893, when Franz Ramesohl and Franz Schmidt began production of their patented mechanical milk separator, paving the way for modern dairy processing. The innovation helped overcome a...