A digital twin to accurately forecast optimum bioreactor setup

GEA Virtual Bioreactor Testing

GEA has combined the latest computational fluid dynamics tools and kinetic models with advanced computing power to generate a technology that can digitally mirror just about any bioreactor environment, from lab bench to industrial scale.

A digital twin to accurately forecast optimum bioreactor setup.

The challenge of scale up

One of the biggest challenges for developers of any cell-based manufacturing process is scaling up from production at R&D scale, to an industrial-scale bioreactor setup. There is no formula for working out the best process parameters or predicting cell behavior, even when just moving up from the lab bench to pilot equipment, let alone to commercial volumes.

Actionable, relevant intelligence

To address this knowledge gap experts at the GEA Center of Competence Bioreactor Technologies have combined state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with physical testing and kinetic modelling to create a suite of tools that can more accurately forecast optimum bioreactor setup and conditions for maintaining cell health and productivity at commercial volumes. The resulting data and insight can give your process developers and key stakeholders actionable, commercially relevant intelligence, while your proposed industrial setup is still on the drawing board.

Evaluate commercial-scale technology at low cost

Work with us and we will carry out detailed tests for your process in a virtual environment and generate what is effectively a digital twin of the process and bioreactor configuration. This can then easily be modified and fine-tuned to test the effects on different aspects of the process of changing key process parameters such as nutrient and oxygen delivery, impeller speed and temperature. Our technology lets you evaluate the process before you invest in equipment and construction.

Keeping it confidential

Importantly, we don’t need physical access to your cells or any proprietary data. We can work with basic information, such as oxygen consumption and growth rates, that you provide from your lab-scale setup, or we can derive the information we need by mirroring your physical setup using our bioreactor technology and reference cells. However you want to work with us, it’s safe and confidential.

Experts in relevant fields

The GEA Center of Competence Bioreactor Technologies, and our virtual bioreactor testing competencies,are founded on the expertise of GEA specialists who work in the field, both in academic and industrial environments, in collaboration with leading experts in fermentation and bioreactor technologies across industrial sectors and research communities. We don’t just provide tools and calculations, we really understand cells, fermentation and biomanufacturing at every scale, and are committed to help you achieve your goals. 


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