Manual to automatic rotary tablet press for research, pilot-scale and full production, presses for normal, clean-room, contained and highly contained environments and presses for the production of single and bi-layer tablets.
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MODUL P 'ECM' technology with advanced dual control for R&D and small to medium production for single & bi-layer tableting, ideally suited for formulation development, clinical trial production and small-batch / multi-product production.
Thanks to the ECM (Exchangeable Compression Module), the MODUL S for medium-volume tablet production enables extremely fast change-over and offers unparalleled operator protection. All product contact parts are contained in an ISOLATED DUST-TIGHT module, which can be disconnected and removed from the machine in a contained manner, leaving the tab...
All MODUL tablet presses are based on the Exchangeable Compression Module (ECM) concept. The ECM is completely isolated from the remainder of the machine, contains all product contact parts and can easily be removed from the press in a contained way. This means that the press itself remains powder-free and requires no cleaning.
Featuring an innovative design that promotes operator (and environmental) safety and ease of use, the NexGen Press® range is modular, intuitive and cost-effective to run, combining unrivaled containment with fast product changeovers and the best price-performance tableting system..
Brauereien, die flexibler, nachhaltiger und digitaler werden, können sich leichter an den sich verändernden Biermarkt anpassen.
Lecithin hat einen besonderen Platz im Herzen von GEA Product Sales Manager Patrick Schürmann. Der vielseitig einsetzbare Stoff hat sich von einer Nebenrolle zu einem Star auf dem hart umkämpften Markt der Speiseölraffination...
Die Geschichte der GEA-Zentrifugen beginnt 1893. Damals starteten Franz Ramesohl und Franz Schmidt mit der Herstellung ihrer patentierten Milchschleuder und ebneten damit den Weg für die moderne Milchverarbeitung. Mit ihrer Innovation...