Minimal maintenance

GEA BluGenium (North America)

Featuring a sleek design and requiring minimal maintenance, the GEA BluGenium ammonia chiller delivers reliable performance and operational advantages. ASME/UL/CSA certified.

Made in the USA, primarily for the North America market.

GEA BluGenium Chiller

Key features and benefits

  • Minimal maintenance requirements
  • Extremely compact equipment size
  • Cooling capacity nominal 100 – 600 TR / 350 – 2100 kW
  • Chilled process fluid outlet temperature range
    approximately -20° to +64°F / -29° to +18°C
  • Ultra-low refrigerant charge
  • Seven standard model sizes
  • Piston compressor w/variable speed control
  • GEA Omni control panel
  • Environmentally friendly refrigerant will not be phased out
  • Designed for indoor, low-noise operation

Compact and low maintenance

Narrow widths of approximately 55” / 140 cm (depending on model) and the resulting small footprints allow for simple transport, as well as ease of relocation and installation in space-restricted machine rooms.

A key aspect of the BluGenium is its low maintenance requirements. This benefit is the result of the latest industrial piston compressor technology and design features such as the elimination of an oil separator. Units are safe and reliable with all-welded construction of both piping and heat exchangers.

Optional GEA BluGenium remote version is provided (with or without a pilot receiver) that can be connected to an external condenser (air-cooled or evaporative) supplied by the customer.


Technical data

GEA BluGenium - Maximum sizes and capabilities

  Water +55°F/+45°F 20% Propylene Glycol +30°F/+20°F
Model No. Capacity
Motor Size

Motor Size


BG300 93 75 0.57 49 75 1.00 107 181 54 89
BG450 139 125 0.56 74 100 0.96 148 197 54 89
BG600 237 150 0.56 98 150 0.96 192 220 54 89
BG700 257 200 0.56 156 200 0.95 192 220 54 91
BG1100 384 300 0.56 209 300 0.94 244 236 54 98
BG1400 501 400 0.58 276 350 0.95 269 307 54 97
BG1800 608 500 0.60 340 450 0.96 270 343 66 97

Notes: Contact your GEA sales representative for access to RTSelect and a software demonstration.
*Motor HP may change for actual design conditions. Assumes 85 °F / 29 °C inlet
| 95 °F / 35 °C outlet cooling water.

Products not available in all areas. Contact your local GEA representative for more information.

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